Wednesday, 3 January 2024

New desk diary


New desk diary

Tulips adorn the cover of my 2024 diary.
There were tulips on the 2023 diary, too.

I don’t know why I have a desk diary rather than a smaller pocket diary. I haven't even got a desk! I suppose it stems from my working days when important dates were filled in at the beginning of the academic year and added to as the terms wore on.

Anyway, I like space to write in and like to pretend that I am organised. I haven’t yet ‘gone through’ the 2024 diary, writing in birthdays and anniversaries. It’s not a task I enjoy very much. Perhaps it’s something to do with my dislike  of making mistakes and maybe to alleviate that I should write in pencil. When I was a teenager, it took me ages to write a letter because I had to keep starting again after I’d made a mistake. Quite ridiculous!

It is now January 2nd and I have yet to write in my journal. I’d better get a move on before I forget all the exciting things I’ve done so far this year. 

The blank page stares, challenging me to mark its pristine surface.

It’s grey and dreary and very windy today. We drew back the curtains earlier to let in what little light there was – it gets quite depressing to have the world shut out all the time and we were rewarded by the antics of the blue tits pursuing each other across the garden.

Barry saw a rat cross the patio a couple of days ago and Herschel and Jellicoe have been absorbed by activity out there. The patio lies one step below the level of the sitting room and so they sit at the patio doors and gaze down, tails twitching, ears pricked, observing the comings and goings of wild rodents. Roxy and Gilbert have become interested in specific areas of the patio, as well, pushing their snuffling noses between the rustling, dead stems of asters. We hadn’t seen rats for a very long time until recently and, while each creature deserves its space in the universe, we don’t want to oversee a rise in the population.

Maybe the sun will shine tomorrow. Maybe the gale we’re promised will not materialise. Maybe – a wonderful word, full of promise.


  1. I love having a planner not that I plan much, but I try to write down a meal plan for the week and when I'm sorting through photos I mark down when I've done them. I love the rabbit - I think I have one like that to cross stitch.
    We don't see many rats here, more mice than anything. That's bad enough!

    1. It's nice to have the feeling of being organised and efficient and a desk diary helps that.

  2. I have a desk diary too this year, a gift from "no-one", now all I need is a desk and some inspiration as to what I should put in there.

    1. Inspiration will soon come, I'm sure . . .

  3. I got a small planner myself. I do love yours though, with that picture of the hare. Who is the artist?

  4. Before I retired, I put all times, meeting places, participants and dates in a hand written diary, sometimes with some reminders about what I might be presenting.

    Since retirement, the mobile telephone acts as the diary with a minimum of words eg coffee, FG, noon.

    1. I don't use my mobile to its full extent but some members of my family have their entire lives in theirs.

  5. We should use Google Calendar on our phones but we don't. We write appointments etc on a wall calendar and take a phone photo of the particular month.

  6. Phones are useful, but the screens are small and the keyboards fiddly. I'm such a Luddite!

  7. I fully retired a couple years but still like
    a desk diary, l usually get one in a charity
    shop, there usually half price by now, l'll
    find one tomorrow in town...!

    And, l always have a BBC Country File
    calendar on the dinning room wall, among
    the other eleven l have around my home,
    as not only writing in my diary, l also write
    reminders, birthdays etc on the calendar....
    So, l'm fully covered, though my memory is
    still fully sound..."Who said that"..? :O).

    And we've had two days of wind and gales,
    quieter to~day and a little sunshine, just
    coming out...hopefully, the same tomorrow,
    as l have a busy day...!
    🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁 🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁

    1. Our sky was quite sulphurous earlier but looks better now.We have a severe weather warning for the next couple of days - what fun!

  8. I have a very cheap, basic wall calendar that hangs in my kitchen. There is just enough space to write in birthdays ( already done!) and appointments etc. I just need to remember to look at it!

    1. That's the problem. Writing things down is all very well but absolutely no help at all if you don't read them.

  9. Dull and grey does not describe the days, the wind and rain is relentless, as for rats, they are everywhere, we are hoping the garden revamp will stop them coming so close to our home. I have a wall calendar, which I like to write on, I can glance at it through out the day, daughter and hubby laughs at me, I don't care.

  10. I bet you're the one they ask for information, though . . . ;-)

  11. I have a small daily pocket calendar that I simply keep track of the crummy weather, once in a while I get to write down the word sunshine. But not very often. And I keep track of how many miles I walk or bicycle. I only have a couple birthdays to keep track of anymore. Things happen when you get older, don't they. But as far as your diary goes I absolutely love the Tulips on the cover. Hope your weather gets better. Winter is just a crummy time.

    1. Older relatives and friends travel on but the young ones procreate happily . . .

  12. I've marked up my 2024 diary already. Like you it's a job I don't like. Once I've made the first mistake in the birthday transfers (which is inevitable) I'm okay though.

    1. The first mistake is the open sesame, really!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love all stationary - well, particularly notebooks, diaries, planners 😀
    Too often rather too many pages remain pristine don't they, although my ' little book of big ideas ' notebook is nearly full, can't wait to feel justified in choosing a brand new that could sound rather pretentious, but really it's just notes about my hobbies and the odd recipe or crochet pattern!
    I love those tulips by the way.
    Yesterday I bought a calendar half price.......all the golden lab ones had gone, so I got the Westie one ( we do have a westie ) Jas is not impressed 😄
    Alison in Wales x

  15. You need a custom calendar featuring labs and westies . . .
    It's nice to have a dedicated notebook - I've got an address book that I use as a commonplace book for 'inspirational' quotations.

  16. I haven't had a diary - desk or otherwise - for absolutely ages! xxx

    1. Ann, you don't know what you're missing . . . another task to taunt you;-) x x x

  17. I am trying to decide if I want to continue an electric calendar, or return to paper.

    1. There is something rather pleasing about using a pen to write on paper rather than digits to depress keys.

  18. That is a lovely colourful diary.
    I must say mine are always a plain colour usually either blue or black.
    Perhaps in 2025 I'll go for one like yours ... watch this space :)

    All the best Jan

  19. I have a desk diary too, one my grandson gave me. I decided I will use it for short comments on the day, most especially how much of my PT exercuses I have done. I have resolved to do these exercises EVERY day.


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