Tuesday 16 January 2024

Seeing is believing


Seeing is believing

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This beautiful little rainbow owl is quite delightful, a perfect miniature, small enough to perch on your finger.

It is rare and was hunted almost to extinction in the early part of the 20th century when collectors were anxious to add its colourful feathers to their collections. Conservation efforts have seen an increase in numbers in Montana. It can also be found in parts of China.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see such an exotic bird?

Sadly, there is no such bird as a rainbow owl. The image is of a barred owl or ‘hoot owl’ which has been digitally enhanced.

                                            Barred owl 

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

This is just a bit of fun dreamt up by someone with a sense of humour, but the serious message underlying it is that people are too gullible, too ready to believe what they are told, particularly if it is supported by photographic or video ‘evidence’.

Thus are people led astray, suspending disbelief, denying their instincts and allowing themselves to be guided along dangerous paths. It is exciting to be part of a movement, and when the numbers grow, so does conviction. Charismatic leaders can persuade their followers to heinous acts. Humans have free will. Too many permit their will to be bent to someone else’s bow.



  1. I was reading your first paragraph & thinking to myself ... in all my years I have never ever heard of a Rainbow Owl. But if you hadn't gone on to clarify it, I probably would have believed it!

  2. I sent the picture to my daughter before I read it isn't real.

    1. I was taken in before I looked it up, even though such a thing seems highly unlikely.

  3. Cute little owl, but I don't think I would have believed it to be true. People are fairly easily led sometimes. It's interesting and sad to see sometimes.

    1. Take everything with a pinch of salt - sometimes a bucketful is needed!

  4. I would have got on board, not from gullibility, but to become more aware of the extinctions of species. What movement tries to fool people on purpose?

    1. There are some very devious people around, with twisted motives.

  5. Very sweet and I would have loved it to be real but not a chance, not with those colours and that size. And David Attenborough has never mentioned one, as far as I know. LOL

    1. What would we do without David Attenborough's calm, reasoned programmes? x x x

  6. HaHa! Just like Donald Trump then...? :(
    I'm surprised the man is 'still' alive....!

    1. Sadly, Trump is an all too real disaster. How can people be so gullible?

  7. Hi Janice - it'd be beautiful if real ... sad - we are too gullible. Clever post - thank you ... cheers Hilary

  8. Media now with AI is getting so unbelievable, images whilst looking real are fake and it's hard to tell the difference. My mum always said 'if it's to good to be true, then it's fake', true life can be hard to find.

    1. Too many people don't employ commonsense - sad, really.

  9. Replies
    1. In a year of electioneering we need to have our credibility antennae well tuned.

  10. What a cutie, looks like a toy ! I love owls, they have the same eyes as my Rosie and the same look. And when they turn around there heads completely, I could spend hours observing them !

  11. I'm very fortunate to live in an area where barred owls are not rare even though they are also not common. Up until 5 years ago there was a pair that nested within a half mile of my house every year. But our area is being overdeveloped and with every new house they completely clear-cut the land. Those owls have disappeared for me.

    1. That is so sad. I listened to recordings of their calls - so lovely.

  12. Cute though it looks, I instantly thought it must be an enhanced image :-) xxx

  13. I would like to think this is true as that is the sweetest little owl. Must admit it seemed odd that it would be found in only one state and parts of China.
    An interesting experiment. I think it is far too easy for people to jump to quick conclusions as we quickly scroll through way too much information daily.

    1. That is so true. So often we do not take the time to read and understand.

  14. I was taken in by your tiny rainbow owl, thinking that I'd somehow missed something of particular interest to someone with my surname (well, its phonetic translation). But the lesson you offered in your post is profound and necessary. I'm sorry I keep missing your posts, but am well on the mend and somewhat back in circulation, so will be more diligent in future.

    1. I am pleased to hear that you are fitter and feeling stronger now.

  15. An excellent post. Sadly, so many people seem quite willing to be misled.

  16. I think people have an urge to believe in something extraordinary.

  17. It's such a cute looking owl ...
    It's a sign of the times that we have to be so careful what we hear, read and see.

    All the best Jan

  18. It is beautiful, isn't it? Very appealing.

  19. Hmmmm - stunned an owl could be so small. That's hummingbird sized but hadn't analysed what i thought about it before i got to your reveal. Point well made though and we all need reality check reminders because we are bombarded by alternative 'reality' daily.


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