Monday 19 February 2024

Microfiction 3


Microfiction 3

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This was another 2010 microfiction prompt. The challenge was to write a response in 140 characters or less. Spaces are characters, too.

‘See, Jim,’ said Tom. ‘You can have a nice warm bath first and then you can use the ring on your chair. That’ll ease your haemorrhoids.’

(136 characters)


‘You told me there’d be treasure from that wreck – gold bars and bullion. A bar of soap won’t make my fortune, only bubbles.’

(125 characters)

I’d love to read your responses. Have a go. It’s fun!



  1. "See here Bob, we might be marooned but at least we'll be clean."

  2. I thought Lifebuoy soaps had vanished! O, are they are still around!

  3. Look, you just chuck it in and the bubbles keep you afloat.

  4. See we have our clean beach award.

  5. So there's no excuse for those we rescue not to have clean underpants when we take them to hospital..

  6. Well, that was a rather boring post, but I love you no less. PS. I am not suggesting we hook up.

  7. Don't worry, I'm not a cradle snatcher . . .

  8. Float it to the ship with a note: Wash off rum. Wives at dock.


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