Friday 23 February 2024

The Entropy Gang’s February 2024 blog



The Entropy Gang’s February 2024 blog

Herschel: We had a nice surprise the other day. The MAID gave Jellicoe and me a new toy. She put it in the conservatory.

Jellicoe: We haven’t had any new toys for ages, not since we were little kittens.

Herschel: The MAID used to give us little balls to play with, but the DOGS kept taking them and the THINKER and the MAID thought they might choke on them.

Jellicoe: This toy is designed to make us work. The MAID puts treats in the different parts and we have to get them out. I like playing with it, because I like food.

Herschel: It’s not really a puzzle toy, more of an activity board. My paws are bigger than Jellicoe’s and I’m not as greedy as him, but I can still pull out the little biscuits.

Jellicoe: The MAID puts liver treats in the different parts. I like liver. Yum.

Herschel: Roxy came to have a look. She likes liver too, but her paws are much too big, and so is her nose.

Jellicoe: She’s not very good at removing them. I suppose she’s just too big all round. I was surprised that Gilbert hasn’t tried to snaffle all the little biscuits. He hasn’t bothered with them at all.

Herschel: That’s because he’s usually in the kitchen, helping. The THINKER puts us in the conservatory when he and the MAID are preparing food because Jellicoe is a pest and tries to take all the ingredients. I have much better manners, so I don’t have to be shut away.

Jellicoe: The THINKER suggested putting wet food in the sections. I liked the sound of that, but the MAID said, ‘No’, even though it can go in the dishwasher. It is quite big, I suppose.

Herschel:  I wait until Jellicoe’s finished before I have a turn. Most times there’s not much nothing left but I’m not really bothered. Sometimes we have a standoff . . .

. . . but mostly I just watch and wait.



  1. Wow what a great cat toy! Love the conversation between the cats ha ha

  2. What a great entertainment for the cats. I expect Roxy's tongue could do some good hoovering up.

    1. Roxy's tongue is pretty efficient, but not as dexterous as cats' paws.

  3. That looks like a great cat toy!

  4. I'd definitely find a way to get at that liver.

  5. HaHa! Let's hope the dogs don't find out..that if
    you put yer paw under it, it'll tip over, HeHe! Job
    done! :O).

    Mind you...after 'ALL' that exercise, the cats will
    probably sleep for a week...! HeHe! Bless!xx

  6. They haven't managed it yet. It's quite well designed.

  7. Both my cats would fight over this board and tip it over if they could.

    1. It's not easy to tip over, but Jellicoe drags it across the floor. Herschel was batting him yesterday but not with much conviction.

  8. We tried all kinds of things like that with Mr T but he simply wasn't motivated by food. It must be great when you find something that they want to engage with.

    1. They've never been interested in catmint, but they do love the Thrive treats.

  9. I bet that keeps them occupied for hours, if the treats last that long, haha.

    1. It doesn't take hours, sadly - they're much too determined to eat the treats:-)

  10. I love seeing cats being delicate with their paws.

  11. How lovely x
    Alison in Wales x

  12. Cricket has placed this toy at the top of his wish list.

    1. I hope he gets his wish. Did you manage to count his whiskers? x x x

    2. Cats are not always very cooperative, are they? ;-)

    3. It's not their strongest trait. :)

  13. Hi Janice - what an interesting gadget ... even though I'm not a cat I might put this at the top of my wish-list!!! Love the commentary - cheers Hilary

    1. If I had to work hard for my treats I might give them up!

  14. The "maid" - lol! This looks like a wonderful way to slow down the eating and keep kitties busy :)

    1. It works well to keep them occupied and out of our food!

  15. Bess says she wants one of these activity boards too, and his hoping her maid and butler will get her one! xxx

  16. What a great cat toy.
    Such a lovely post, I'm still smiling :)

    All the best Jan


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