Tuesday 4 June 2024

Another dog


Another dog

This is Clarence. He lives in the porch, between the front door and the hall door. He’s a friendly, flexible boy and doesn’t need anything but our undying admiration. We’ve had him for a number of years, a gift from our son-in-law.

If I were to write a breed standard for him, it would read something like the following.

General appearance: Finely built, with long head and neck, sound legs and feet, suppleness of limb.

Temperament: Quiet, affectionate and willing to please.

Head and skull: Long and pointed.

Eyes: bright and inquisitive, slightly protuberant.

Ears: Large and leaf-shaped, with distinctive markings.

Legs and Feet: Strong and solid on delicate legs.

Tail: Whip-like.

Gait: Lolloping.   

Exercise requirements: Minimal.                                 



  1. I would prefer a very clever dog like a Labrador who runs and does all your carrying. Yours probably doesn't help much at all.

    1. His job is to look attractive. Our Labradors run and carry the things we often don't want them to;-)

  2. Hi Janice - perfect animal - love his name 'Clarence' - he seems ideal is he a boot/shoe 'taker-off' whatever that's called? My brother and SIS have a wire standard poodle (as that's their breed) given to them by friends ... I just have memories ... cheers Hilary

    1. No, he's not a boot jack, just a useless ornament ;-)

  3. I like the minimal exercise side of Clarence. He has a very stylish appearance. His body looks hollow and open at the top. Could you stick a bunch flowers in there?

  4. They'd have to be dried flowers as there's no bottom to the body.

  5. Stylish and low maintenance: he may sound like the ideal pet, but not as much fun as your lively bunch :-) xxx

  6. . . . but he doesn't make as much mess . . . ;-)

  7. Awww, so cute x
    Alison in Wales x

  8. Aww I think Clarence looks lovely.

    All the best Jan

  9. Clarence is quite a handsome chap and so low maintenance. My "decorative" dog is Roscoe and he's out in the garden, but over the years his nose rusted away and now he has a replacement made from "knead-it", a product in which you knead together two components and mould them to shape and the stuff sets hard extremely quickly. His companion "cat" is Rosie. I haven't posted a photo of them for quite a while.

    1. This is the perfect time to put Roscoe and Rosie in the spotlight :-)

  10. Hello Clarence. Nice to meet you :-)

  11. He makes me smile - and doesn't need feeding!


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