Sunday 18 July 2010

Today's Flowers #102 Hemerocallis and Lily

Thank you to the Today's Flowers team who work so hard to maintain this meme. To see more flowers around the world please click here.

Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' with veronica behind.
 Hemerocallis are often known as daylilies although they are not lilies at all. The name daylily comes from the Greek words 'hemera' (day) and 'kalos' (beautiful). Hemerocallis are native to Asia. The flowers open at sunrise and wither at sunset and are often replaced by another bloom on the same stem the following day.They are not generally scented.
This shot clearly shows the buds that are yet to ripen and bloom.
Hemerocallis grow from fleshy roots and form clumps. They are perennial.
This is a true lily, also perennial, and in this photograph hosting a bright fly, possibly a hoverfly. Enlarge for detail if you can bear it!


  1. Very lovely day lilies!!
    Great shots.

  2. 2 toned how amazing !! sandy

  3. All great photos, such vibrant colors, and yes I enlarged the last shot to see your little visitor. Thanks so much for sharing them and thanks also for stopping by my blog.
    An English Girl Rambles

  4. I am very fond of daylilies and have them in many gardens around my property. Lilies I like, but so do those nasty lily beetles so I have ripped them out of my gardens.

  5. Gorgeous daylilies! Your photos are beautiful!

  6. Very beautiful multi-color flower.

  7. A nice lily for a luau party!

  8. Beautiful orange color in those blooms. And the fly is a good catch, too.

  9. Gorgeous light and colors in these lily photos.

  10. Gorgeous daylilies! I've never seen the striped one. It's very unusual.


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