Sunday 4 June 2023

A sunny day in early June


A sunny day in early June


These two are ‘Mrs Scott-Elliot’ hybrids.

Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)

These are ‘Indian carpet’. The petals are edible and also make a relaxing herbal tea.


Campanula flowers can be added as decoration but have little flavour.  The leaves are also edible with a very mild taste and can be added to salads.


Pansy is another edible flower that can be used in salads or as a garnish to cakes or jellies.


Both flowers and leaves are edible. The flowers can also be deep-fried or pickled.

The commonest varieties are common (onion) chives and garlic (Chinese) chives, which have white flowers.

Perennial geranium

Flowers and leaves are edible and can be eaten raw in salads, used in teas or as decoration for cakes and desserts.


  1. Stunning flower pictures, Janice! I absolutely love this time of year, and both Aquilegias and Dianthus are among my favourites! xxx

    1. It's lovely to see so many flowers putting on their best dresses x x x

  2. I was served a pansy flower in a salad last week. I ate it but my partner would not. There isn't much taste to them.

  3. Very pretty flowers! We have sweet Williams,. Aquilegia and chives in our garden, too. Thanks much for the James Webb video, too. Your posts always offer so many interesting things to contemplate; such fun.

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. I love this time of year.

  4. I remember growing sweet williams in my Sydney gardens but they wouldn't grow for me in any other state I lived in.

  5. How very particular of them.


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