Sunday, 15 December 2024

An introduction


An introduction

                                            Elsie's self-portrait

Allow me to introduce a sweet lady of my acquaintance. Elsie is 104 years old and is the sixth oldest person in Britain.

Elsie’s husband, Sidney, died many years ago, but, although she misses him, she is not lonely and has a lively and varied social life.

She has always had an active brain and is ever ready to develop new skills and enjoy fresh experiences. To that end, she has recently acquired a computer and has been using it to write letters to recipients as diverse as the Governor of Pentonville Prison, the Royal Society of Medicine, the Pope, and Kellogg’s. 

Her overriding wish is to be recognised and allowed a chance to shine. There is no limit to her imagination, from concocting an enticing recipe for tuna, beef and banana pies for Gregg’s (the baker) to pondering what effects would result from pouring paint from the top of the skyscraper at Canary Wharf.

Her letters have been compiled into a book, ‘The Elsie Drake Letters.’ As an inspiration to older people everywhere, Elsie Drake is unrivalled.

I am honoured to have had the pleasure of her company.

                            This is the front cover of Elsie's book


  1. Hey! She has my name! And my curls and glasses. Now I hope to aldo live to 104. I'm not as eager for new experiences though. But Now I am wondering about the effect of pouring paint and would she try that on a dry day? a wet rainy day? during a strong wind perhaps? And what would she pour it onto? A huge canvas? And just one colour? Or a rainbow effect?

    1. I wonder if she's considered all those options?

  2. We should all strive to be a little like Elsie!!

  3. Sounds like a really interesting lady! Goes to show that you are never too late to learn something new and it might bring you lots of joy!

  4. I hope if she is planning on chucking paint off a sky scraper she also understands not to chuck it off the windward side. Sounds like quite a character.

  5. Sounds a wonderful lady, can you imagine her grand and great grandchildren, loving her stories so much.

  6. Elsie became a keyboard warrior. I thoroughly approve. Go Elsie, until your dying breath.

  7. A wonderful lady, a great role model for us all. I am definitely applauding her and thank you so much for sharing her story.

  8. Acquiring a computer at 104 is very cool. I struggle every day with technology and I am MUCH younger than 104. Mind you, my mother was still a very sharp thinker at 90 when bridge was extremely exciting.

    1. Different skills for different activities.

  9. Elsie is amazing. Some humans have been given gifts that others haven't, so good for her.

  10. An amazing lady, one I had never heard of until now. May she have a happy remainder of her life with good health.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry about that. I looked to see if the book was available here. It is. But Robert Popper is claiming that he wrote the letters using her name.

    1. Elsie Drake is a figment of Robert Popper's imagination and yes, he wrote the book.

  13. It would be amazing to meet someone who has experienced so many changes in our world due to their age. I often think what my Grandmothers would have gone through from late 1890's till their death in the 1980's.

    1. My husband often says, 'Double your age and think what was happening then.' We don't realise how much life has changed in a relatively short time.

  14. she sounds like a lot of fun, and there is more than one way to keep active. I love it.

  15. Wow, 104?!?! I am not sure I would want to live that long. Maybe if my mind was still sharp.

    1. I'm not sure which is worse, an active brain in a failing body, or a failing brain in an active body. Neither is a very attractive prospect.

  16. I have a friend here, she is 102, she has a lot of humor and we laugh a lot together too, she has no brain troubles and walks like a young girl ! It's a pleasure to be with her and listen to her stories unfortunately she had a boring husband, (she told me) but she lived her life as she wanted ! Good to see that she is still in such a good shape !

  17. It's good to hear about your friend and that she is such good company.

  18. She sounds a very interesting and inspirational lady...
    BUT - have I got this right?
    Robert Popper writes as Elsie Drake and she is fictitious?
    I'm a little confused! It happens LOL!

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, Jan, she is a figment of Robert's imagination. Life is always lively when he's around.

  19. Wow what a lady hope I'll have her energy and involvement if I reach her age! But does she actually exist or is it Robert Popper?

    1. She is Robert's creation. He wrote all the letters.

  20. Fiction or not, that's still something to aspire to as one ages.

    1. We should all exercise lively minds and explore.

  21. That is inspirational for me to take on a new skill in new year

  22. wow. That's amazing.
    so she learnt to use microsoft word too!
    Thats incredible too.
    what a great story. :)

  23. What an amazing lady, there should definitely be more like her! xxx

  24. An inspiration. Aspiration, too.


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