Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Jellicoe goes to the vet


Jellicoe goes to the vet

Jellicoe’s breath has been less than sweet lately, a fair indication that his teeth need attention. He also has a small cyst on his head that swells and recedes periodically. Thus, today he has spent the day with the vets. He was most put out this morning because he wasn’t allowed any breakfast and yowled loud protestations when put into his carrying basket, and all the way to the veterinary surgery. Fortunately, it’s less than five minutes away by car.

Selene-the-vet ‘phoned later to say that Jellicoe has had some extractions, and the cyst has been removed and sent off for analysis. He will soon return home to Herschel’s annoyance. Herschel rather enjoys being an only cat, though recently he has been sleeping alongside his brother, which is quite unusual. They will often both sleep together with one or other of the dogs. Dogs are big and warm and comfortable.

When the brothers squabble, one of the dogs will step between them, as they would between two arguing dogs. 

The cats treat the dogs like oversized kittens, grooming them, which the dogs seem to enjoy. Gilbert will often nudge whichever cat has been cleaning him, if it stops, asking for more attention. I suppose the rasping tongue is somewhat akin to a massage.

Poor Jellicoe is looking a little ragged, some of his fur having been shaved off, but it will soon grow back.

He is very happy, chirruping and purring and rubbing round everyone and everything . . . and starving, as usual! 😺


  1. Cheers to Jellicoe for a full recovery, sweeter breath and nothing sinister from the cyst analysis.

    1. Jellicoe is a fighter, so we're crossing our fingers and hoping.

  2. Glad Jellicoe is back home. Hopefully all is ok!

    1. He's very happy to be home, so now we wait for the results.

  3. Sounds like Jellicoe has recovered from this indignity. Now, hoping the cyst biopsy doesn't show anything concerning.

  4. Good wishes to Jellicoe for a full and swift recovery with nothing sinister found on the cyst.

  5. Your cats often sleep together with your dogs :) Dogs certainly are big and warm and comfortable, but they are patient as well.

    1. Dogs are patient, one might almost say 'long-suffering.'

  6. Jellico is a rejuvenated cat and comfortable at home.

  7. Poor Jellicoe, but it must be great to be relieved of toothache.

  8. I hope the cyst is nothing to worry about and probably Jellicoe feels much better without the aching teeth.

  9. I hope that all will soon be well with Jellicoe.

  10. He's behaving as though nothing much has happened. Can cats be stoical?

  11. Home sweet home after the vets, here's hoping the results are good, cats are so resilient, can't wait for Lilly our kitten to arrive in a couple of weeks.

    1. I look forward to seeing Lilly's progress, bless her.

  12. Oh bless Jellicoe, glad he's ok.

  13. Poor Kitty I'm so sorry had to go through all that. But it's amazing the difference between cats isn't it. Yours has come home feeling like home is a safe place to be whereas mine comes home and is so terrified I can't even see her for days. Hope he recuperates well.

    1. Poor Precious - she does find it hard to visit Dr Feelbad.

  14. Replies
    1. The cats are named for historical figures. We never repeat names, either. Daft, eh?

  15. Such cute boys; hoping Jellicoe's results are all fine!

    1. We hope so, too, but he's come through so much that we wonder if his time is about to run out. 😼

  16. they are all beautiful and I pray the biopsy will come back negative and it makes my heart feel good do see the cats together and Jellico on the dog.. I love all the names of your sweeties.

    1. Thank you. We've had dogs and cats all our married life - and before . . . oh, and children, too. 😂🤣

  17. I am quite envious of your animal children! I had a car with the same sort of cyst on his head, same location, it did not do anything but sit on top of the cat so we ignored it. The cat was fine and a good thing too, he was the only one of the lot that refused to go to the vet wholeheartedly. He was a bit feral and a ginger so...hands off or die.

  18. I love this! My husband and I had many dogs and cats all together and this reminded me of those good times. Thank you for a lovely post.

    1. My pleasure. They are our great joy . . . . and the children, too, of course, but the cats and dogs are always with us.😺🐶

  19. Of course he's starving. He was shorted breakfast. Hope he is well.

    1. He's making up for lost time and missed meals. I think he's a Labrador, really . . .

  20. You have quite a houseful of well-treated furkins.

    1. We have - but not as many as we have had in the past, particularly when the children were at home with us.

    2. You had more than 4? You must live on a bigger property than I had thought, and who knows why I thought what I thought.

    3. At our peak (!) we had four dogs and nine cats, so our current number seems very manageable. Our house is not huge.

  21. Poor Jellicoe! I do hope he soon recovers from the ordeal! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann. He seems well - post-op visit tomorrow.

  22. She just looks so timid and shy

  23. Aww so pleased Jellicoe is back home and hopefully all okay now and settling down well being back at home..
    Lovely pictures of the cats and dogs together.

    All the best Jan

  24. A visit to the vet is never fun. Here's hoping all test results are negative and no return visits needed.

  25. Poor Jellicoe , I hope he has good test results. I thought it was very sweet to read about your dogs stepping in between them to stop a quarrel.

  26. Hi Janice - so glad he seems to be rapidly improving ... a delightful read - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you,. Hilary. He had a post-op appointment today and all seems well.

  27. I assume that Jellicoe was put under anesthesia for the teeth and the cyst. Here one has to have bloodwork a week or so ahead ($$) to see that anesthesia is safe. I have experienced teeth removal with all of my dogs. Poor Basil (13) has only one tooth left! Not fun for a couple days after. Hope Jellicoe's test results don't show anything concerning.

  28. Thank you, Mary. Poor animals don't understand that it's all for their own good. Basil - bless him!

  29. I can only say "Poor you" must have been very stressing ! But the result was worthwhile.


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