Monday, 16 December 2024

Made to measure


 Made to measure

Jellicoe and Herschel enjoy the Christmas season. They particularly appreciate the influx of cardboard boxes. No matter what size they are, they have to be assessed for the efficiency of their insulation. Does cardboard have tog ratings in the same way that duvets do?

It's more of a tight squeeze for Herschel . . .

                        . . . but possession is nine tenths of the law!

Gilbert is intensely interested in boxes at any time of the year. His nose nudges human hands working to open them. He likes investigating the packing material so often found inside and frequently carries it to his bed for further inspection. This involves pulling it gently apart with his teeth, to further understand its composition. Roxy is often invited to aid in the analysis.

Just like small children, cats and dogs are as delighted by the boxes as by the contents. I wish we could all be so readily pleased.



  1. Ha Ha! That's really funny. Our cat used to love them. It was funny yesterday when I was video calling daughter. Baby A (who can't quite walk yet) was finding delight in climbing on a box that had just been brought up from delivery. She kept climbing up on it. Daughter had to empty it so she wouldn't fall off it!

    1. When our children were babies we always said the boxes and wrapping paper were more entertaining than the presents themselves. Lovely days!

  2. Cute, but as I have no doubt ‘said’ before, but our solid old girl doesn’t do boxes.

    1. Cats are individuals and that's what makes them interesting companions.

  3. I sometimes wonder why none of my cats have ever used boxes for playing or lying. Zero interest from every single cat.

    1. That's the one thing you can predict about cats - they're unpredictable!

  4. The cats are incredibly beautiful! I my be some percentage cat- loving cardboard boxes as I do~! Packing material has also been fun lately, since shippers have become eco friendly- accordion paper and corn starch peanuts. I must be part Gilbert, as well.

    1. Not a bad combination, part cat, part dog. I'm surprised one hasn't been 'engineered' yet!

  5. She is a beautiful and elegant being

    1. . . . and knows it! No false modesty there.

  6. We gave my now 17 year old niece a wooden spoon when she was a baby after she rejected other proper toys. She furiously waved the spoon around with great pleasure.
    Herschel, your box is bulging. You need to trim your weight down to fit in a perfectly square box.

    1. Simple toys are best, but adults enjoy buying children's toys, and playing with them.

  7. I wonder if it a comfort safe feeling they get from them, my last cat would squash herself into a carrier bag left on the floor.

    1. I think there is an element of security and comfort in boxes.

  8. A cat-in-a-box for Christmas!

    1. I know several people who would appreciate one. 😺

  9. A lot of cats do like boxes. What beautiful markings they have. Our rescue Lhasa Apso will not even sleep in a dog bed, have bought 3 different ones, prefers the floor or occasionally the back of the sofa.

    1. Dogs can be just as contrary as cats, I find. The back of the sofa sounds good - well padded and high, out of draughts and able to keep an eye on proceedings.

  10. How is Jellicoe doing, I can see the side of his head which looks nice and clean, all our cats always loved a box regardless of the size.

    1. Jellicoe is doing well, Marlene. Thank you for asking. I was noticing just yesterday how quickly the fur is growing back on his head. The cyst is malignant but very slow-growing, so will outlast him, I think. He and Herschel are 12 now.

  11. It is amazing that our pets enjoy cardboard boxes. One of my cats you still love to curl up in my shoebox and I wear a size seven shoe so it's not a very big box and she was a Maine Coon.

    1. Maine Coons are big cats! It must have been lovely to see her fitting herself into your shoe box.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I made my daughter a playhouse from the massive cardboard box in which my new lawnmower came and I made my son a little cardboard box police car to speed over the tiled floor of the apartment we rented in Menorca. Why aren't all police cars made from cardboard boxes? It would save the country a lot of money.

  14. I can still recite verses from My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes!

  15. Aww a lovely post and fabulous photographs of the cats.

    Hope Monday has started well for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. The weather is indecisive today - clouds one minute, sun the next, but it's quite mild. Hope you're well.

  16. Our cat Rosita has zero interest in any box; she walks by and looks in and then keeps on walking. I have never had a cat not get inside a box!!!

    1. Rosita has a mind of her own. I love her name, so sweet.

  17. my mother may have been part feline, she never met a box she did not love and keep. she stacked them and kept them. she also stacked egg cartons and any type of container. the smaller the box the more she loved it. these photos have my hubby laughing out loud..

    1. I can relate to your mother's liking for boxes. I find it quite difficult to throw them out, as they 'might come in useful.'

  18. The top photo really showcases Jellicoe's markings.

    1. To look at them, you wouldn't think Jellicoe and Herschel are litter brothers, but they are.

  19. Now that is cute :). They are such handsome cats and look very cozy in their boxes.

    1. If Jellicoe is in a box, he's not fighting me for space on the keyboard. He's a would-be blogger!

  20. Truth! My grandkids love boxes and truth be told, I once slept in a box, haha.

  21. Calli and Quill have no interest in boxes though Quill occasionally likes chewing on the flaps.

    1. Why do cats chew cardboard? Is it a way to clean their teeth? 🤣

  22. Sweet photos indeed! Each one a smile bringer.

  23. Aren't cats the funniest creatures. Bess's predecessors were the same. No matter the size of the box, they would always tried to squeeze themselves in. Funnily enough, Bess is completely immune to boxes ... xxx

  24. It's always a pleasure to see Herschel and Jellicoe, boxed or unboxed. I'm glad to hear Jellicoe is doing well. Our cat Thomasin had an inoperable growth on his head. The veterinarian office staff called him "the unicorn cat." I didn't find it particularly amusing. He lived for more than a year with it, dying at age 15. A very dear cat, coal black and uncomplaining.

    1. Poor Thomasin - I wouldn't have found that amusing, either.

  25. It reminds me of a book, published many years ago, that I used to read to the children in my reception class…’My cat likes to hide in boxes’ was a firm favourite!


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