Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Dogs and chocolate


Dogs and chocolate

                            Whisky, gently taking part of a KitKat from my mouth.                         That was the year we had the same colour hair/fur, Whisky and  I, though hers was natural.

In the years before anyone realised that dogs and chocolate were a dangerous combination, we used to hang chocolate decorations on the Christmas tree.

We came home one day to find that all the chocolate had been comprehensively sucked out of the foil wrappings and our Labrador, Whisky, was looking rather pleased with herself. We knew it wasn’t our small children – they would have taken the decorations off the tree in their entirety. It was our fault. We had trained her with chocolate - she was the gentlest dog.

That was the last year we put chocolate on the tree. Now, of course, chocolate is kept strictly away from dogs and cats.

However, Buddy Liver Spots once ate a complete chocolate cake one Christmas, to our grandchildren’s delight and admiration. He didn’t suffer any ill effects whatsoever and didn’t even look full or guilty. 

Buddy Liver Spots,counter surfing, supported keenly and optimistically by Dominie

Dalmatians are as greedy as Labradors, taller than them, and adept at counter surfing! We became quite used to placing food out of their reach  and have to do it still, since Jellicoe is a Labrador in disguise, always looking for something to eat. However, cats can and do climb, so it's even more of a challenge to keep them away from our comestibles!


  1. We always hid the children's Easter Baskets. One year our little dog found one first. He ate the large chocolate bunny. We spent the day waiting for something terrible to happen. It didn't.

    1. It's very worrying when that happens, but dogs react very differently to things that are supposed to bad for them.

  2. My friend's Jack Russell found a huge bar of chocolate fudge in the hidden Christmas presents, ate about half his bodyweight, and was ill for days, mainly the sugar load. He survived but it was close. They were distraught the whole holiday.

    1. I can imagine how distressing that was. Sick animals are a great worry.

  3. Good thing the chocolate didn't affect the dogs! We were really lucky with our cat. He didn't climb up onto the counters or table and the only time food was in danger was if I was eating it! He loved marmite

    1. Our cats, Jellicoe particularly, will attempt to take the food from our plates or mouths. Marmite! You either hate it or love it . . . lol!

  4. I don't think we ever had a dog that wasn't looking for chocolate--though they never got it from us but smelled it if we had candy in the house.
    Our cats have never had people food at all so they have zero interest in the chocolate goodies.

    1. Our cats and dogs are always in attendance during food preparation and cooking. We have to shut the cats in the conservatory when they become too persistent.

  5. That is a fabulous photo of Whisky taking the chocolate from your mouth Janice!!! Merry Christmas to you all x0x

    1. Whisky was such a sweetie. She would hold food in her mouth until told she could eat it. Fabulous dog!

  6. What happens to dogs when they nick chocolate? Are they allergic?

    1. Dogs aren't necessarily allergic to chocolate, but it is highly toxic to them. Chocolate contains substances called theobromine and caffeine, which dogs metabolize much more slowly than humans. Even a small amount can cause serious health issues

    2. As roentare says, chocolate is very toxic to dogs and cats. It can kill them. So many 'people' foods are bad for them - grapes, macadamia nuts and others - it's best not to let them have anything but their own food.

  7. What a delightful and nostalgic story! It sounds like Whisky was quite the character and had a real knack for finding those chocolate decorations. The image of her looking pleased with herself after enjoying the treats is both amusing and endearing. It's incredible how much our furry friends can surprise us with their cleverness.

    1. She would also very surreptitiously take things from shopping baskets as she passed - and also suck blackberries from the bushes. Very entertaining, though embarrassing at times!

    2. Hat eating the blackberries thing is funny. I know a dog that does that and assumed it was unique - clearly not.

    3. Our dogs eat raspberries from the raspberry canes, too. It's a good thing we don't grow grapes!

  8. I am glad none of your dogs were affected by the chocolate. My cat shows no interest, she will sniff at it and walk away. more for me😃

    1. It's good that Lola's not interested. We've never had a cat interested in chocolate before Jellicoe - he's a shocker, so my hot chocolate mug has to be rinsed immediately, or he's got his head in it, licking.

  9. I do imagine with four fur babies in the house that sometimes keeping human food out of the reach might be a little difficult. Our first cat loves human food and her own cat food enough to claw open the sacks. I'm grateful that the current Kitty isn't very interested and keeps her nose where it belongs, lol.

  10. They do vary such a lot, don't they? That's what makes them interesting companions. 😺😸😹

  11. Our cat doesn't really climb. I can leave treats on my computer desk, and there they remain. She's a poor old thing. She fits in well with her keepers.

  12. I always had disappearing candy canes, no dogs in the house, just hubby and daughter, so mine are now plastic and have been on the tree for years. Will asked if he could have one and was very disappointed with me.

  13. Our old dog, Millie, 95% lab, ate a full bar of chocolate, she was very quiet for a day , but she never ever attempted to eat chocolate again.
    Our new lab puppy Willow, will eat anything including £200 stones(the vet fee to retrieve it.) I was interested to read about your dog sucking blackberries off the bushes, as Willow does this
    and I had never encountered this before, she also eats oranges.

  14. Millie was lucky, sweet girl. Willow sounds a lot of fun.
    Our Labradors eat oranges, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots - does 'dustbin' spring to mind?

  15. Years ago I placed a pan of cornbread on top of the refrigerator to keep it away from the cats. It didn't work :-)

  16. Tigger was the least food motivated pet ever. Really difficult to bribe such a cat into learning stuff but despite that Mr B did manage to get him to wipe his feet on command (somewhat stubbornly - like a small boy that knows he has to but really prefers muddy shoes).

  17. That is incredible. Tigger really was an extraordinary cat, but you knew that anyway. 😉

  18. I do like the photographs on this post.
    So pleased that none of your dogs were affected by the chocolate.

    All the best Jan

  19. I think Bess is a Labrador in disguise as well :-)
    I'm glad to read the chocolate episodes didn't have an adverse effect on your dogs, though! xxx


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