Thursday, 12 November 2009

Jenna the gundog

Slightly fuzzy photograph of Jenna showing that she can pick up and would be a very good worker in the field! That's a duck she's holding in her soft mouth, by the way.


  1. Hi Janice. Someday I hope to get your dogs straight by name. Is Jenna (I have a granddaughter with that name) Gus's mother?
    I am glad that you give them stuffed animals to play with. Our dogs have them too. It helps keep them from being too lonesome when you are out.
    Our Adi can do her thing with her toy too, although she has aged and is slower since this one:
    Adi and her bear on YouTube
    And she has chased real rabbits and squirrels. But never has she caught one.
    Thank you for posting your nice comment on my Spam e-mail post. It took a while for me to find that one. Yahoo tipped me off. :-)

  2. Hi Jim
    Jenna is Gus's half-sister - they have the same mother :-)
    The Dalmatians Dominie and Buddy are aunt and nephew and Frodo is also distantly related.
    Love the YouTube clip of Adi - how sweet!
    We have always given our dogs toys in the vain hope that they might leave our shoes, furniture, garden alone . . .

  3. Wonderful! Methinks Molly would have that soft toy in pieces in nothing flat ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. What an absolutely adorable photo of your dog. I have a retriever, too, and know about those wonderful, soft mouths - like velvet.

  5. Well, the toys don't last long and we have to watch out for the squeakers. A puppy makes enough noise without a squeaker inside!


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