Thursday 4 February 2010

SkyWatch Friday Season 4 Episode 30 Stormy skies

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

The sky had been dressed over all in dark threatening clouds and then a patch of blue appeared and it was such a cheerful sight - but it didn't last!
Thank you to the SkyWatch team for their hard work in organising and hosting this meme.  If you would like to see more skies please click here.


  1. They are stormy! But so beautiful and more colorful than most stormy skies! Terrific captures! Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Your poem made me smile, your images made me sigh. I'm ready to get out my bike or go for a hike it the weather would allow.

  3. I remember those words so well and I liked your skies very much. Lovely post!

  4. Lovely shots! Thank you for sharing with your Skywatch pals.

  5. Lovely clouds with just a hint of a temper tantrum...

  6. Fantastic shots. The sky does look ominous.

  7. Very dramatic skies and a lovely poem!

  8. Lovely patch of blue in your stormy skies and nifty poem too ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  9. Lovely hues of colour in these and your header photo is awesome. Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend.

  10. Beautiful combination of pastels, dark clouds, and a little patch of blue. Nice captures!

  11. Wonder if it had been nice had it rained... :-) Nice photos!

    Pixellicious Photos


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