Monday 29 August 2011

Nine weeks old!

Buster and I (and our seven other siblings) are nine weeks old todayJ
Now he's gone home to Dorset but I know I'll see him again soonJ


  1. Bertie is an adorable addition to the family. It was fun meeting Buster too.

  2. So adorable! The first pic is gorgeous! What a cute little dog! Love it! Made my day;o)
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice and happy week****

  3. I love that first photo, Janice. What a bright-eyed, intelligent face!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. What a beautiful golden color your puppy is!

  5. I'm a sucker for puppies, always have been, always will be. I want to reach out and cuddle with them. Thank you.

    PS. wouldn't let me comment on the I Saw Sunday post, so took a chance this would work. Fingers crossed.

  6. Gawwwww they are so cute!!! Are they labradors of some breed? I looked through many of your recent blog posts... are you a dog breeder?

    That first photo of Buster is so perfect, he looks downright smug!

  7. Oh Lord, you are torturing me with puppy pictures. I so love dogs and could easily turn into one of those crazy old ladies with dogs. Nothing like a puppy, is there. I swoon.

  8. Buster is absolutely adorable!

  9. Just too dang precious for words...ohhhh be still my heart!

    Lucky you! Return visists...

  10. Sorry, just melted into a puddle at the first photo!
    He just looks like one big bundle of mischief and love! -- and he has just a smidgen of an attitude on that cute face!
    Good thing there's an ocean between us!

  11. How cute is that? Happy nine week birthday :O)

  12. He is so cute, I love those big eyes. Puppies and kittens are always so hard to resist.

  13. Happy 9 week birthday doggies!

    So adorable.

  14. @Rachel:- no, we don't breed dogs. We had one litter of Jack Russells about twenty years ago and we bred Burmese cats in a small way for a few years. We've always had dogs and always more than one at a time. They're company for each other.
    @Mary:- I'm already one of those crazy old ladies with dogs;-)

  15. Thank you, everyone, for your lovely comments:-)
    Puppies grow up so fast - that's our excuse for all the photo memories;-)


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