Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Seventh Family Birthday of the Year

Kiri at 4
Kiri is my eldest daughter’s younger daughter and she is sixteen today. She should not have made her way into the world until September, 1995, but she was in a hurry. Consequently, she has always been among the very youngest in her year but has held her own.

This summer Kiri left school and intends to go on to sixth form studies at college. Her aim is to become a paediatric nurse and she certainly has the right attributes for that. She is kind and caring and gentle with her younger cousins and her friends’ smaller siblings without allowing them to take advantage of her. She enjoys all the family pets - hers and ours - and from an early age has never baulked at looking after them and clearing up when necessary.

Kiri is an excellent swimmer and a capable wind-surfer. She excels at any sport she attempts and although she is very slender and looks fragile she has an inner core of strength. 

She is not talkative with adults, except on a one-to-one basis, but much goes on behind her beautiful blue eyes and she is funny and blunt with her peers. Her friends value her loyalty and level-headedness. Her family appreciates her love and affection and sense of humour. She is a quiet beauty with a determination and character uniquely hers.

Happy Birthday, Kiri – stay as sweet as you areJ
Kiri sailing in August this year 


  1. Happy Birthday to Kiri ! What a nice age, sweet sixteen !

    I have a post which may interest you about Wellington (for once, because in Waterloo you see far more Napoleon)

  2. How lovely, Janice. I can tell you're very proud of Kiri, and justly so. Not many 16-year-olds would think of going into paediatric nursing.
    Congratulations to you and happy birthday to Kiri.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I love your family descriptions Janice. So loving and interesting. So happy birthday to Kiri!
    PS-I should have laughed about throwing away the code too-and I laughed when I read you did! I have not heard back from Liz yet and she has replied to all my other emails quickly, so I fear the worst!

  4. Happy Birthday to Kiri! She is so pretty and delicate-looking. She has chosen a fine career.

  5. What a BEAUTIFUL girl she is!

  6. What a lovely dedication to your Kiri - you and she should be proud of those words!!

  7. Lovely tribute to a lovely girls...♥


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