Sunday 28 August 2011

Sunday puppies

This is Sunday 28th August and the puppies’ seventh day in their new homes.

They may be rather confused, particularly Buster, who has travelled from Shropshire to Berkshire to Dorset and back to Berkshire. They were delighted to see each other again on Friday and slept together in a pen in our bedroom last night while Buster’s family went to London. Buster slept until 08:00 and was undisturbed by Bertie wanting to go out at 02:45.
Don't tread on me, Frodo - I'm only little . . .
Buster picks up the water dish to indicate that it is empty!
They had a busy morning playing in the conservatory and the kitchen after breakfast.
Who's biting whom?
After lunch they settled down for a nap. The big dogs are all napping, too. The human adults are feeling quite sleepy!
When you're little there's nothing quite so comforting as sleeping close to another warm body, particularly when it's your sibling.
Peace, perfect peace!


  1. They are SO precious, Janice. I love the photo of them with Frodo, but who can resist seeing them sleeping back to back?
    We're just back from lunching with the friends who took care of Lindy while we were away, and all they could talk about was "Lindy this" and "Lindy that". Dogs do have that effect on people, don't they?
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. They are so gorgeous! The photo of Winston looking at them under his chair is priceless!

  3. Makes me long for a puppy snuggle. They look so soft and cute!

  4. Oooh puppies! What beautiful little darlings and what a wonderful addition to I Saw Sunday! Thanks very much for leaving your link and sharing these lovely photos with us. :-)

  5. What beautiful pictures. Nothing like puppies to warm one's heart. Too bad they can't stay puppies forever.

  6. Oh Janice, they are so adorable! Buster looks very patient but a little tired :)

  7. Animals are so innocent and beautiful.

  8. Ahhh, cute as ......

    They are gorgeous. All puppies are gorgeous!!

  9. They are soooo sweet ! I can imagine that you feel tired. two babies even puppies that's quiet some work !

  10. :-) I feel all cuddly now.


  11. Oh my - so much cute puppy love! Adorable.

  12. I can easily see why you have been so busy, you have had your hands full with these fellows. They look adorable sleeping back to back.

    Winston seems to be trying to stay above all the activity which was probably a good idea.

  13. Lovely photos of these adorable puppies.


  14. Adorable is the word for these puppies. A post to warm the heart. Thanks for sharing.


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