Friday 10 May 2024

Microfiction 4


Microfiction 4

The challenge is to write a response to the image in no more than 140 characters. Spaces are characters, too. It’s just a bit of nonsense, really, but I’d love to know how you would respond to the prompt.

Picture source unknown

Fairy Marigold grimaced as she leant over to clean the prince’s shoe. The ribbons on her wand danced in an effort to escape the odour. (134 characters)


As Primrose put the tracking device in the shoe, she noticed tentacles slithering over the front and wondered what was trying to escape.  (136 characters)


  1. Oh yuk, said Pretty Polly. Very unhappy with having to clean The Giant’s smelly shoes after he had roamed the wet marshlands the day before (139)

    Fun post for Friday😊

  2. Nice! I always make the mistake to read these later at night, when I'm too tired to come up with a witty response lol

  3. Twinkletoes wondered yet again if the internet advice to clean shoes with a denture tab would really work . . . (110, I think, but I'm having trouble counting on my small tablet screen! And I includeded the dots and spaces at the end. I enjoyed this mini-challenge and like your 'tentacles' take!)

    1. Denture cleaner for shoes - interesting thought. Why not? Toothpaste is used for many other things, too.

  4. The little girl who never liked fairy stories saw the shoe and pondered slipping it on and stamping on the fey creature’s toe…

  5. If only . . . (but a reliable one, please!)

  6. 'Methinks this odour eater is made for fairy sized shoes' said Flora 'but it's worth a try'

    Alison in Wales x

    1. Odour eaters - I'd forgotten all about those :-)

  7. I say fairy, I say love, I say pet, for all your beauty, your brain is a worry. You don't insert a dvd into a shoe. Or maybe my brain is the real worry.

  8. I like the fairy tale sort one, and I read fiction non-stop, but I could not produce a good story I bet.

  9. I really must remember to wear the gas mask when it is my turn to clean the human shoes.

  10. I'm giggling at Rivers words too.

    All the best Jan

    1. A sense of humour is essential or life would be very dull.

  11. I loved both your offerings and those of the other commentors. Unfortunately, I haven't got much inspiration myself ... xxx

    1. Inspiration comes when it will - it can't be forced:-)

  12. Replies
    1. It's interesting to read other people's interpretations.


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