Monday 20 May 2024

Reincarnation 2


Reincarnation 2

This is another reworked treatise on reincarnation – a post reborn, you might say.

Strictly speaking, reincarnation is rebirth as a different life form, but I’ve often thought I might be reincarnated as something lowly, like a doormat, which, though inanimate, sees many events throughout its existence. On many occasions, I have felt like a doormat, so perhaps that was the Great Universe preparing me for my next iteration.

I was thinking about it more deeply in the wee small hours of the morning, which is when I do the majority of my philosophical contemplation. Obviously, my life is so full that I must think when I should be sleeping.

Having decided that my next life would see me as a doormat, I began thinking about door mats in general. Of course, one has little choice in the form of one’s reincarnation, but should I be allowed to choose, what would be my decision? There are many different types of doormat, the simplest distinction being indoor and outdoor mats. Which would be better? There are pros and cons for each.

Outdoor mats are hardy creatures, exposed to the elements, surrounded by the sights and sounds of Nature, rough, tough, no-nonsense characters. They are not philosophers but practical, straight-talking individuals. I do not mean to imply that philosophers are impractical wafflers, though some may be, simply that outdoor mats lack imagination and see things in black and white. They do not sit on the fence, prevaricating. They are loyal and hard-working and ask and expect little in return other than a good beating now and again, not because they are masochistic, but because they wish to be relieved of the detritus deposited on them – extraneous samples of Nature that have escaped from birds, trees, flowers, people’s footwear.  

Exterior mats may be composed of rubber, which is hard-wearing, but neither absorbent nor particularly attractive. Metal mats are not quite pukka; they’re useful for scraping mud from boots but in the hierarchy of the external mat community, they are the untouchables. They look as if they have escaped from a giant’s grill pan. Coir matting looks smart and is the only natural fibre that is resistant to damage from salt water, which makes sense, considering its provenance.

Yes, a doormat’s life could be quite interesting, even if being ground under the heel is not a pleasant prospect.

Internal door mats are quite distinct from their lowly outdoor relatives. They live in protected environments and are usually constructed of softer, more colourful materials. Sometimes, they have messages printed on them, things like PLEASE WIPE YOUR PAWS (can dogs read?) or THE BIG HOUSE (is that a boast or ironic?)

HELLO on the mat saves the people of the house greeting their guests; LOSE THE SHOES, and GO AWAY are downright rude. Some mats are plain, while others have illustrations of dogs, or cats or cartoon characters. I would prefer not to have words on me, but I wouldn’t have an option.

On balance, I’d rather be an indoor mat than an external one. I wouldn’t choose to be a shop door mat or one that fits in the car well. A bath mat’s life would be cold and damp. A bedside mat would be agreeable, welcoming warm feet from a comfortable bed. My favourite situation would be just inside the front door of a really tidy house with no children or pets, welcoming considerate visitors who would remove their shoes on entering – nothing like my house, then!


  1. You made me laugh, thank you. i wouldn't want to be a doormat though. I would prefer to come back as one of those giant granite mountains that live on for thousands of years, but I would have to be in an area where people don't blow things up searching for minerals beneath. And I would like to be near an ocean.

    1. That sounds quite desirable and you'd always be admired and wondered at, too.

  2. So much consideration, I always wanted a sheep's fleece on both sides of our bed, something soft for your feet each morning, couldn't afford them at the time. I would want to be a colourful rug, so the children would sit and play on me, I would not mind the spills, choosing just to think of the laughter.

  3. You can actually get some really nice doormats, nowadays! Washable ones with lovely designs. So maybe it would be good to come back as one of those …then at least you’d get a good wash now and again! 😁

    1. My door mats are always in the wash . . .

  4. I was smiling widely as I read this. I think I'd like to come back as a tree growing in good conditions. I will be here for a long time and me as a tree might finally see a Jetsons style jetpack personal travel.

    1. A protected tree would be lovely - giving shade and pleasure to all. Trees see so much.

  5. I loved this post. It made me smile as a world of doormat possibilities floated around my brain.

    1. Once you start thinking, the possibilities are endless . . . ;-)

  6. I think I am already a doormat!
    I would like to come back as myself and start all over again.

    1. That appeals, but wouldn't work for me - I never learn from my mistakes and would repeat the whole sorry series . . . ;-)

  7. Along with Jaycee above I sometimes think I'm a doormat already, perhaps I should aspire to come back as a hatstand........useful but hopefully an improvement on a doormat 😉😄
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Hatstand would be preferable but perhaps not much used these days. Just looked across the room to see a heap of my husband's hats - I think we could do with one after all!

  8. Ha!!! This made me laugh! You have quite a wit about you!

  9. Your musings and the comments have given me a good smile. Every day there is something different that I might make a less stressful hash of than this life. Doormat was never considered to be one of them but you make a good argument.

  10. I too have felt like a door mat... I wonder what I would like to come back as if I could choose my reincarnation form.

    1. It's an interesting, if somewhat pointless, exercise!

  11. It is amazing the way the mind works and the connections we make. I did not expect to read a post about being a literal doormat today.. so amazing this blog world is.

    1. Once the mind finds a track, it follows it . . .

  12. I would never have thought of coming back as a doormat. Such a lovely tale and this did give me a smile! Thank you!

  13. I did enjoy this post, it made me smile :)
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  14. A doormat? But you have little self-esteem ! How terrible it is when so many feet trample on you ! And you can also see people as a bouncer in a nightclub, at least you can see all kinds of people! And show them who is the boss ! I would like to come back as a cat living in a house like mine and behaving like Arthur who knew all neighbors in several streets ! Who stole bread, slept in all beds, and nearly killed one neighbor who almost got a heart attack when Arthur jumped out behind the stacked firewood in the basement.

    1. Coming back as an Arthur would be very good:-)

  15. Your post made me laugh, which was most welcome! I love your imagination but do agree with Gattina that it must be terrible to be trampled upon by so many people! xxx

    1. It's not a pleasant prospect, I agree :-)

  16. So funny! It's interesting the thoughts that crop into your head when you can't sleep in the early hours lol

    1. Some of the thoughts are very boring . . . !

  17. Hi Janice - good ... I'd happily visit your home. Cheers Hilary

  18. House beautiful it is not . . .


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