Wednesday 8 May 2024




A few weeks ago, I mentioned the ‘toothbrushes’ we had bought for Roxy and Gilbert and how the chews came in different shapes and sizes. 

I bought some alligator and hedgehog chews, which they enjoy just as much as the toothbrushes, but I was disappointed to see how much smaller they are.

The dogs aren't bothered, of course. So far as I know, dogs don't discern discrepancies in size. If one has a large carrot, and the other a small, they just accept them. A beach ball is as much fun as a tennis ball, though not so easy to retrieve . . .  
Baby Roxy with a beach ball

. . . and a large stick is as magnetic as a small twig.
               Cariadd, foreground, and Dominie. 'I'll hold it - you chew.'

I decided to treat my ‘granddogs’ to a selection of chews. I hope they enjoy them as much as our dogs do.


  1. We had dog chews available at the local vet for a while, cat chews too which Angel loved, but they only came in one size and shape, large for dogs, smaller for cats. Now they only have the dog ones available.

    1. I've been wondering about cat chews. I'm not sure our cats would take to them. However, they wouldn't go to waste as Roxy and Gilbert are only too happy to help.

    2. Mr T would certainly not have taken to cat chews (even catnip flavoured). He was the most difficult cat to motivate with treats - totally unimpressed he was. Wouldn't do anything for treats, and we tried dozens of different varieties.

    3. None of our cats has ever reacted in any way to catmint, but they do like treats - can't find any chews, though (must look harder)

  2. Lol. I love those chew shapes.

    1. The shape doesn't make an iota of difference to the dogs, but the different shapes amuse me.

  3. Nobby disagrees. Big sticks are better!

    1. Bigger sticks are better - less chance of sticking in the throat. Removing stuck sticks is an art form.

  4. I'm sure they will - it all sounds great fun. xx

  5. This is family fun, fun for the pups to have chewies and fun for you with the pots! Good idea all 'round.

  6. Yes, we're very self-indulgent;-)

  7. The whimzees are fun and reasonably healthy aren't they, a little pricey but I do think it's another case of get what you pay for.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They certainly seem to be keeping the dogs' teeth clean, so that's a bonus. You're so right - you get what you pay for. (Isn't that a funny expression?)

    2. 😀👍

  8. Replies
    1. She was gorgeous - now all grown up but such a sweet-natured girl.

  9. I'm glad to hear Gilbert and Roxy enjoy the chews, whatever their size. If I were a dog, I'd prefer a large stick though :-) xxx

    1. Size can be an issue - some of the 'sticks' they pick up are more like tree trunks and provide an intelligence test when it comes to going through narrow gaps!

  10. I enjoy buying chews and toys for dogs as much as they enjoy having them. Dogs are so wonderfully easy to please.

    1. They are - their prime purpose in life is to please us, I think. They're very nice people!

  11. That is such a sweet picture of Baby Roxy with a beach ball.

    I'm sure the chewies whatever there size will be enjoyed.

    All the best Jan

    1. They're Labradors, so not at all fussy about any sort of food!

  12. It is always funny to watch dogs try to walk through a doorway or gate with a large stick in their mouth and the stick is too wide. Some understand straight away but others will persist with trying to just push forward. The tooth brushes look formidable. Do you use nicely flavoured dog toothpaste?

  13. We have video clips of our dogs overcoming obstacles like narrow gaps.
    The toothbrushes are edible so toothpaste isn't needed:-)


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