Wednesday 26 May 2010

Winston’s mid-May blog 2010

Winston here . . . p'rrrrr, p'rrrrr . . . 

I've just got back from seeing Nadia-the-Vet. It's all right, there's nothing wrong with me -I just had to have my annual booster. It doesn't seem like a year ago that me and Monty had our boosters and I got so embarrassed when he misbehaved. Who'd have thought he wouldn't be here this year? Poor Monty!When I got back today all the dogs rushed up to say hello and give me a good sniffing. It was nice to get home again and go back to my soft cushion in the conservatory. It gets really hot in there – soooper!I like going to the vet. Everyone makes a fuss of me and tells me I'm beautiful. Nadia-the-Vet's ever so nice but she did say I was a little overweight. I was rather hurt by that – I think I'm a fine figure of a feline and my tiger tummy looks very impressive. Still, I'll have to lose a bit of weight – I know it makes sense. It's been hot lately and the birds have been busy in the garden. It's fun watching them but I'm not interested in chasing them. They're ever so noisy and they start so early in the morning, before it's light. They're still flying about as it's getting dark, too. Don't think I'd like to be a bird! Too much like hard work, don'tcha know.

The stinging, buzzing things are flying about a lot as well. I leave them alone 'cos when I was a kitten I was playing with one and it left its sting in my chin. Mrs H got it out and I was all right and the lump soon went down but I don't want that to happen again and I definitely don't want none in my mouth.I heard that Foxy has got something wrong with her hips – hip displaced I think Mrs H said. Anyway, she's going to have some treatment, just like Jenna, but maybe one day she'll have to have a new hip. Poor Foxy! 

The tiny mice in Jenna's and Gus's ears have moved away now so everyone's pleased about that. Gus is ever so big and he's still growing. Jenna looks really small next to him. He keeps jumping on her and sometimes she yelps so Mr and Mrs H are making him stop. He don't mean to hurt his sister; he is only a puppy – just rather a large, strong one. Sometimes he jumps on me but I can hide in smaller or higher places than Jenna can. I think he's going to get as big as Frodo – I know he'd like to be as big as him 'cos he really likes Frodo.
What else has happened? Ooh, yes! There was water coming through the sitting room ceiling the other day but it's all right – Mr H knows what made it happen and he stopped it. He's ever so clever. Gus had a new toy and it had to be mended twice almost as soon as he started playing with it. Now all the stuffing's come out and the squeaker's gone. He keeps taking my toys, too. Gareth and Louis come over one day to collect their barbephew what Mr and Mrs H looked after when they was in Noo Yawk. Louis played with me – he likes me. Oh, and Mr H went off for the day – he went ailing and when he come back he was all red and ever so tired but he said he'd had a really good day and then he fell asleep. Mrs H had a quiet day at home all alone – apart from us, of course. It was really hot and all us animals slept all day. Mrs H didn't', though.

That's it, I think. Be good!



  1. Glad everything went well at the vet Winston. You are very well loved to be greeted so enthusiastically by your companions. Enjoyed reading such a delightful post :)

  2. Winston I'm glad everything is okay and that all went well. This was a fun read my friend. :)

  3. Hello Winston,
    we are really glad you are fine and back home to your comfortable abode.
    Sorry about the vet being insensitive about your weight. Guess she couldn't find the proper terminology for a healthy,content feline!
    Keep safe,
    wags from Bud n Gin and love from their Mummy

  4. What a wonderful post. Winston, I am so glad you had a good time at the vet's office. Miss Cindi Lou does not like going to the vet's office, it seems to scare her. Maybe you could explain that it's not so bad and she should just enjoy all the attention.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear you need to lose some weight, Winston! But what a joy to be greeted by your friends when you returned home.

    Good thing Mr. H can fix the water coming through the ceiling!


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