I thought this was such a lovely word that I had to share it. It is German and describes people who are not ‘morning people.’ A morgenmuffel is uncommunicative in the morning and unlikely to engage willingly in conversation, to the point of being monosyllabic. The opposite of morgenmuffel is morgenmensch, a morning person, lively and talkative from the moment they wake.
I’m sure Ingrid (Gattina) can probably add more to the context.
I am a morgenmuffel, while Barry is a morgenmensch. I am frequently accused of initiating the Colonel’s Breakfast.
I think it's one of those cosmic jokes that nonmorning people tend to partner with morning people. They also tend to pair warm house people with cool house people.
ReplyDeleteIt's yin and yang!
DeleteMy ex-the-first was a morgenmensch while I was a morgenmuffel. Is there a name for an all day non-talker? That would be me. I'm a listener and talk mostly only when I have to.
ReplyDeleteInteresting question, Elsie. I'm not really a talker, either, though I talked for a living. I'd rather watch and listen, preferably unseen.
DeleteFunny how some words from another language can be more descriptive.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a lovely word to say 😀
DeleteI don’t think I am either although I think I once tended to be more of an owl than a lark.
ReplyDeleteLikewise, but now I'm a middle-of-the-day person . . . 😗
DeleteI was a morgenmuffel for many years but now I am obnoxiously morgenmensch!
ReplyDeleteWhat caused the change? . . . or who?
DeleteI read that in some Scandinavian country, if you are asked how you are, one response you could reply with is 'Up and not crying'.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love that! It's much better than the grunted, 'Fine,' or the awful, awful British 'Mustn't grumble.'
DeleteWhat a wonderful word. I must remember it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a beauty!
DeleteLove this post, I'm with you colonel's breakfast.
DeleteOh aren't they brilliant words. I'm a morgenmensch, Mick is a morgenmuffel.
ReplyDeleteIf both parties are morgenmensch, who does the listening?
DeleteAlthough we use "morgenmens" in Dutch, I don't think we've got an equivalent for "morgenmuffel". Which is a brilliant word by the way. Both Jos and I fall in the "morgenmens(ch)" category, by the way :-) xxx
ReplyDeleteLively as crickets first thing in the morning - must be a nice way to be.
DeleteMy husband is just like you! I am the one who gets up first and he hates it if I have the tv on when he eventually emerges! He likes a good spell of peace and quiet before he starts the day.
ReplyDeleteI hate bright lights, too, especially first thing. Gloom suits me.
DeleteI'm a morning person, let me get all my work done by 11 AM! Not that it actually happens, lol. My husband is one of those wonderfully fully retired people. He gets up because I'm making breakfast, but he just then sits and waits for hours to move again.
ReplyDeleteThe ability to fully relax takes much concentration! 🤣
DeleteSame in our house. I am the muffel and Husband is the mensch
ReplyDeleteOpposites attract!
ReplyDeleteI am a bonafide morgenmensch and I love this word. my youngest son is also as is my husband, my oldest son is the morgenmuffel ever born.
ReplyDeleteall of our dogs have ben menshc. ha ha. the three of us are but by 4 am every day. but we go to bed early, no one is allowed to call us after 6:30 pm we used to go to bed at 9, then 8 and now 7:30.. we are out of step with the word. nothing opens until 10 am and by then we are 6 hours into our day
Ha ha - dogs are so adaptable and will keep in step with you, no matter what!
DeleteIt depends on how much sleep I get whether I'm a muffel or a mensch.
ReplyDeleteThat does have an effect, too, I must admit.
DeleteI too am a Morgenmuffel (what a brilliant word) my husband is most definitely a morgenmensch!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds so much more expressive than 'not a morning person.'
DeleteWe definitely have one of both in this house (I am the non-talker before the coffee has kicked in). Before Hubby retired there was no problem because he had left for the office by the time I got up. Now he knows better than to ask a substantive question first thing.
ReplyDeleteWise man and a quick learner!
DeleteInteresting words that there is no direct translation in English. What fun words.. love it.. I've heard the word mensch before. Now I can add to it - a morgenmensch !!
ReplyDeleteThey are great words to slip off the tongue.
DeleteI like both this word and "the Colonel's Breakfast"! I like mornings but I like them the same way you do -- as a quiet time that allows me to settle into the day. I do all my writing first thing in the morning. I wouldn't want to have a big conversation then. And I CERTAINLY wouldn't want to watch TV.
ReplyDeleteA gentle start to the day is the only way for me.
DeleteThese days I'm definitely not a morning person. As I live alone, I don't have to chat with anyone at breakfast, whether I get up early or late (but it's usually late). On the whole I'm probably basically a middle-of-the-day person now....
ReplyDeleteSo am I, but I sometimes feel I'm missing out . . . ridiculous, really.
DeleteAll my life I have tried to understand myself - to know who I really am - and now, through this blogpost, I am heady with self-knowledge for yes - I am also a morgenmuffel!
ReplyDeleteYou see, you really do learn something new every day.
ReplyDeleteI'm neither, really. I'm an owl but am ok in the mornings. Not at 4am, though, like one of your commenters! I'm often awake then, but try to go to sleep again. One of the joys of retirement is not having to get up and out in the dark (and it's darkish till nearly 9 here in midwinter).
ReplyDeleteI am pleased not to have to get out to work in the mornings, now, though I still have to get up for the animals - I know, self-inflicted.
DeleteIt depends on if I get a good nights sleep or not if I will be a morning person. My dog gets up at Zero Dark Stupid early in the morning most days to go out so I have become a morning person because of him. lol
ReplyDeleteThat's how and why I have adapted through the years.
DeleteHow fascinating Janice & such interesting words. I think I am probably half way between them both - neither really one nor the other. As my husband goes to milk early the only ones I have to talk to in the mornings are the 3 cats & I am not sure that they are especially communicative except to demand breakfast!!
ReplyDeleteCats really can make themselves understood - such loud voices from such small creatures!
DeleteGreat words, but I don't think I'm either.
ReplyDeleteI prefer a slow morning taking time over tea and always a cooked breakfast, but whatever time of day, I am quite communicative :)
All the best Jan
Clearly well-balanced, Jan. 😀
DeleteMy friend Joel is like that
ReplyDeleteMorgenmuffels start to come alive as morgenmensch wind down . . . 😎
DeleteI am a morgenmuffel and I admit it. It doesn't matter how early I start moving, I don't wake up before 10am!
ReplyDelete10 am seems perfectly respectable to me . . . 🤣
DeleteI've become more a morgenmensch as I've aged.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible to change - circumstances sometimes demand it.
DeleteI used to be a mogenmuffle a long time ago. Years of working in the bakery turned me into a morgenmensch
ReplyDeletei can understand that. People need their baked goods in the morning.
DeleteThat's me! I can get up early now but I don't like to talk to people for a while.
ReplyDeleteThere are days when I'd prefer not to talk at all . . .
ReplyDeleteI am definitely more of a morgenmensch!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know one's strengths . . . 😀
ReplyDeleteI love those words. I probably fall somewhere between both of them.