Tuesday, 7 January 2025




I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, but there are things I have decided for 2025; I have jigsaws waiting to be started, tapestries to finish and a baby sampler to start and finish before March, or possibly February, if this baby is like her sister and anxious to get on with life!

I’m twice the woman my husband married – not quite literally, but getting there, (though I was always ‘rangy’) so that has to be addressed, along with my ‘core strength’ – I feel so grown-up and knowledgeable using that expression! I have neglected my piano, and the music sits and sulks at me, waiting to be dusted off to exercise my fingers and brain.

There are also several story outlines waiting to be fleshed out.

In addition, I am determined to get out and walk again – I have missed the forest and its ever-changing face and the pleasure of seeing our dogs joyously appreciating all it has to offer, including the ponds and the mud, the poo and pee-mails, and occasional doggy pals to play with. They are having all that, of course, thanks to Barry, but they look at me as if to say, ‘Aren’t you coming, too?’

So, no resolutions as such, just resolve – I am stubborn.


  1. Smiling here, stubbornness gets us through at times. I have a bit of that myself. Okay, more than a bit! Good luck with all these things. One step at a time will take us steadily into the new year with our resolve At least that is what I keep telling myself. Onward and upward!

    1. I'm with you, Denise - one step at a time!

  2. Okay, you have some general areas that you would like to work on. I hope you get where you want to go.

  3. Mostly we have no control over our resolutions eg I will bring food to Sudan and peace to Israel and Lebanon. Good luck with that! Ditto some things "sort of under our control" are too difficult eg I will buy heaps of books for my grandchildren so they learn to love reading. Ha!

    But I can do things _I_ need to do. I will book an appointment with my optician to get fitted with stronger glasses. I will buy another labrador puppy, years after the beloved old abrador died.

    1. A Labrador puppy will bring you so much joy and a new lease of life, plus broken nights and mess - enjoy!

  4. Aims, goals, objectives, themes, areas to work on/develop/continue with - all much of a muchness, I guess. I don't say 'resolutions, either.

    Re the full stop thing - can you get up your on screen keyboard (can be used with a mouse, doesn't have to be touch) and access the full stop that way? xx

    1. Although I see you have it back now, xx

    2. Thank you, Joy I have the OSK onscreen now, as the full stops keep disappearing.

  5. What can I say but, good, and I hope you achieve at least some of your aims.

  6. All power to your resolve. Do what you enjoy (and it all sounds enjoyable) and you won't need to grit your teeth and call it resolve.

    1. I suppose it would be better if I resolved to do something for other people, much less selfish and self-absorbed! Ah, well, can't change the habits of a lifetime.

  7. It seems your procedure has been successful in imbuing you with added resolve. Go for it... as some say.

  8. I think it's easy to get into a rut if you don't make plans.

  9. Maybe you could assign a day to each task and work on it for one hour. I don't do resolutions either.

    1. That sounds too organised for me - I'm more of a 'seize the moment' person, or so I like to kid myself!

  10. I'm the same, it's too easy to sit and scroll on my phone or read rather than doing some craft or going for a walk.

    1. Those pastimes can be very absorbing, though, and there's no harm in that, so long as they're not obsessional!

  11. Your approach to 2025 is truly inspiring! It sounds like you have a rich tapestry of interests and commitments, each brimming with passion and purpose

    1. Ooh, thank you! I don't think I've ever been inspiring before :-))

  12. "The Things I Have Not Done" could be the title of my autobiography. They cast shadows over my life. Perhaps I should try to tick off a few of them but would more things then rear their little heads to torment me?

    1. That is always the problem, rather like curing or preventing illnesses - there are always more to contend with.

  13. Resolutions are okay as long as they're not tied to any time of year but just generally pointing you in the direction that you want to go. Sending good vibes x

    1. I agree - there should not be one specific time of year to start along a different path.

  14. What a list. I'm tired already. I did manage to get a little bit of crocheting done for Christmas. But the freestanding angel that I was working on got finished yesterday as I have already taken the tree down. I'm like you though let's get outside. It's too bitterly cold for me to even do anything but run back and forth from the bird feeder and the bird bath because it's only about 15° F during the day.

    1. Yikes! That's cold and here am I complaining that it's 'only' 3 degrees Celsius, 37.4 F for you, so positively balmy!

  15. Loose, general aims are good. Notice that I didn’t say goals. Good luck with yours. I really don’t have any to speak of, just some vague notions.

    1. The looser the better, then it's not so obvious when they are not achieved.

  16. I don't really make New Year resolutions either. I know I must try and get on with sorting through a lot of old papers though (and hopefully at least somewhat diminish the amount of them)...

    1. Some tasks are more enjoyable than others and therefore more likely to be tackled.

  17. I am thinking for those of us who are stubborn to the bone, so says my husband of me, him who is even more stubborn than I am. I am thinking of all I have neglected and all I have done. the things I am doing were never on my list of things to do, thus the problem with keeping u p.
    all this is to say, if all of us with things to do, cut the internet devices off, it would all be done.... I don't make resolutions, but I am trying to curb the internet addiction. that includes, phone, iPad, desktop, Chromebook and Kindle reader. I much rather draw on the iPad than clean out the closets. ha ha

    1. Some things can be put off indefinitely, while others need to be accomplished sooner. Meanwhile, while thinking about starting them, do something you enjoy!

  18. The new year is a good time to think about starting anew. I have a few things on my list to accomplish this new year!

  19. I cannot make resolutions because I don't keep them so I make suggestions for each day ... walk a little longer, stretch a little more, read a bit, too.

  20. I don’t make formal resolutions, either. I like your plans and I hope you enjoy them.

    1. I sorely need the piano practice - I played, badly, today!

  21. I, too, don't make resolutions. Saying, 'I resolve to get healthy' is something that sort of leads to failure. Because 'getting healthy' is a process, not a matter of stating some words out loud. You wake up on January 2nd, and discover (shock) that you're not healthy. And January 3rd...and the 4th... If you wake up each day with the same resolve but ask yourself what you will do that day to make yourself healthy, it allows you to make small changes that eventually lead to the end goal. I like your thinking.

    1. I agree, Debby - a little, and a little more each day and maybe there will be some improvement!

  22. Yes, good resolutions. We walked today for the first time for days. need more exercise and to eat less - I'm currently munching my way through one of four large boxes of Maltesers!

  23. Good luck. I don't make resolutions either.

  24. I don't make resolutions either, but like you I've got a couple of things in the back of my head that I would like to do/achieve, if not this year, then perhaps the next!
    I do hope you can soon the dogs on their walks! xxx

    1. Yes, there's always next year, hopefully . . .

  25. I haven't made New Year Resolutions for a good many years now.
    I do often set an achievable target on things I would like to do, and if I get one or some of them done, well that's good ...

    Have a try and see what you can do ... you've got a lot of friends in blogland who will cheer you on :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Achieving anything is better than achieving nothing . . .

  26. I like your take on 'resolutions'.

  27. I am a resolution maker! Even if I break them, I need them. Good luck with your resolves. I like that core strength business.

    1. It's good to have a plan of some sort, or the inclination is simply to drift . . .

  28. I never make resolutions either, I feel like I want to make a change any time, not just at the new year. The new year is just an excuse to do it.
    My biggest changes I want to make are being a better wife, mom, and person. Better teacher, better friend, better photographer, etc.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Those wishes and desires are always just below the surface.

  29. I think the power to change is always within us, we just have to decide to put in the work necessary. The new year doesn't always have to be this big moment to do so. Hope you have a wonderful 2025!

    1. I agree, but it is good to have a defined starting point and many people take January 1st as their marker. Happy 2025 to you, too!

  30. I don't make new year resolutions but I do like to have a few ideas to work on during the year. I use a small diary to record achievements made and then at the end of the year I can look back and know I moved a little from A towards B :-)

  31. That's such a good idea. We always think we'll remember, but we don't!


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