Saturday, 18 January 2025

Of mice and men


Of mice and men

I  wanted a brightly coloured mouse, but there aren't many around - at least, not in my price range. (My price range is cheap but serviceable!)

What sort of mouse do you like?

When I considered this subject, I had no idea how many computer mice there are.

Mine is a silent Bluetooth optical mouse. It was preceded by a Mini Mouse, which proved annoyingly small and fiddly and had to be replaced. The men in my family prefer rolling ball mice, but I don’t like them. I know I would get used to one in time, but I prefer not to have to!

I knew about gaming mice, for which I have no need, and touchpads, which I find really irritating, though necessary at times. Otherwise, I was familiar with tethered mice and ergonomic mice. There’s an entire world of mice out there, and, like the little real-life rodents themselves, they are constantly replicating, making decisions more difficult.

My mouse frequently falls to the floor, sometimes disturbing the casing, which is soon clicked back into place. I’m not really testing it to destruction or ruggedising it, though it sometimes seems like it.


  1. I like your caption for this post.

  2. I've had mice in the past, tethered mostly, but my laptop has a touch pad and I prefer it after the initial hesitation and learning.

    1. I suppose it's a case of familiarity. I just don't like change. šŸ˜—

  3. I use my touchpad. I've gotten used to it now and find a mouse a little more cumbersome to use. I like the title - I thought maybe somebody had brought a mouse into the house and it was evading you lol

  4. Mine looks like the photo, only it's black.

    1. Why can't they come in really bright colours? They'd be so easy to spot. I suppose I could try customising it . . .

  5. I have long used an Apple mouse which serves me very well.

    1. It's wise to stick with what you know. šŸ˜

  6. I've used a touch pad for some time. The first few days were confusing but I'm well adjusted now (at least in this respect). šŸ™‚ I did miss the mouse though.

    1. Adjusting to something is the point, isn't it? I'm not very adaptable, I think, and stubborn, too.

  7. I have had a laptop for a few years now and use the touch pad. If I remember correctly, it took a while for me to adjust, but I wouldn’t give it up now.

    1. I used a touch pad when I had a laptop and actually use one with my piano, now I come to think about it.

  8. I prefer to use wireless mouth now. Quicker and more responsive to my hand movement

    1. It drives my husband mad, but he can't persuade me to change from my wireless mouse.

  9. I used a mixture of mouse and touch pad; it depends on what I'm doing.
    When I read the first few words of the post, before I saw the picture, I was puzzled to know what you could possibly want a brightly coloured šŸ for!

  10. I haven't used a mouse for a long time. Funny how quickly we forget. Good luck with your search.

    1. For the time being, I'm stuck with my dull mouse and shan't look for another until I'm forced to.

  11. I have a rechargeable mouse at the moment - I'm not sure what brand, but it was cheap. I hate the waste of batteries so go either rechargeable or on a wire, and with the least amount of buttons as some of the mice out there look scary!

    1. I have a rechargeable keyboard, but didn't think about a rechargeable mouse. Surprising, really, as my husband is a great fan of rechargeable gadgets . . . or any gadget, really.

  12. Mine is a black tethered mouse. I try not to use the touch pad as I have occasional hand tremors which can lead to annoying little errors.

    1. I have LOTS of annoying little errors, but that's because of my atrocious typing!

  13. A brightly coloured mouse would be my choice. Ive never seen them other than grey or black. Never heard of most of those you mention .
    I do like my phone touch pad.

    1. I'd forgotten about the iPhone screen. I can cope with that quite adequately . . . what is the matter with me? (Don't answer that!)

  14. I like a dark mouse, comfortable in the hand, which is what I have. You can still get a mouse with a balls? Balls have to be cleaned, such a time waste. I once tried a touch pad. I couldn't do it. I really need a mouse, and I really have no prejudice about its colour or shape.

  15. Who knew the mouse needed a battery? Batteries are such old fashioned bits of technology.

    1. Batteries are old-fashioned technology, so why are we being encouraged to drive electric cars? No joined-up thinking, of course.

  16. Mine has to roam free, I don't like a cable, mine I plug into the computer every now and then for a recharge.

    1. I really should have looked for a rechargeable mouse . . .

  17. I use a (Contour Roller-Mouse) wrist-rest with a centred "roller-pin" for scrolling and clicking (combined with a separate keybord placed in front of laptop + a separate larger screen). I'm used to that since decades and it's sooo much more comfortable than using a separate mouse... I have separate mouse as well though - it came with the Logitech keyboard. (It's black, optic, runs on battery, can be turned on/off. I rarely use it, but may come in useful if I use the laptop elsewhere than on it's usual desk in my study.)

    1. That looks impressive, but I don't work at a desk, despite 'encouragement' to do so, so it might not work for me.

  18. My new computer came Mouse less. And I've gotten used to using just my fingertip. But it took a while. My husband cannot operate his laptop whatsoever without a mouse and we have had to replace it a couple times. I always talk him into buying a blue one.

  19. Sue has a red mouse. My previous one was also red. They don't last forever. The present one is dull gray (or grey). It is an untethered, bluetooth mouse. I have actually developed a bit of a mouse finer that gets a little shaky.

    1. I had a red mouse - the casing broke and could not be repaired after too many trips to the floor.

  20. I just use the touchpad, so no mouse at all. At work, I used to use a tethered mouse until one of my co-workers scoffed at me and insisted I adapt to a Bluetooth one. Some people feel very strongly about these things!

    1. Indeed they do! I can't remember what I used at school - it was a long time ago, and things were less sophisticated then.

  21. It's donkey's years since I used a mouse. All my online life is tablet and phone, one finger typing on an onscreen keyboard, no bothering about cutting and pasting! I gave away my scanner and printer. My laptop aged out years ago. I think I've pared down my electronic life.

    1. That's probably a lesson to us all, though I find keyboards irritatingly small on 'phones.

  22. I agree about the touch pads, they are annoying. No techie I, I use Chromebooks. When I had to buy a new one, I by mistake got one without a touchscreen. Which meant I had to get used to the pad. After about six months on this computer, I broke down and bought a new Chromebook with all bells and whistles to make my computer experience just the way I want it to be. Lesson learned: Read in detail the description of anything I buy.

    1. How true that is - always pay attention to the small print. šŸ˜‰

  23. I prefer the harvest mouse - Europe's smallest rodent. It has a gestation period of three weeks and so if you are a frequent computer user, you will always have a spare mouse close at hand.

    1. I've never seen a harvest mouse. Waling with dogs prevents that. A field mouse disappearing under snow followed by a Labrador's nose is the closest I've come to tiny rodents.

  24. When I bought my bright purple mouse several years ago it wasn't the cheapest on the shelf, but didn't cost a whole lot more.

  25. I love the color of my mouse that is at my desktop, its bright burgundy which is the color you see in every room of my house. I have a gray tiny one for the laptop but rarely use it, both come with a USB thingy to plug in the computer and the mouse talks to it. did not know about Bluetooth.
    both of mine often fall from where ever I sit them. ha ha on yorkshsire pudding comment. here at Walmart mice are cheap, mine was less than 10 dollars. I despise anything, tethered to my computer. but I do have the never used tether and keyboard still in its box that came with the desk top. for WHAT IF..

    1. It's usually a good idea to have a standby. šŸ˜€

  26. I just have a regular Logitech mouse that the company sent me to test out a while back. It works good.

    1. Good! So long as it works, it's acceptable.

  27. I am a real mouse consumer ! I loose them and then I am in a hurry and have no time to look after the lost mouse so I take a new one. I buy my mice in a cheap store a classical one white or black, they cost 3,50 € /piece. I always buy at least three. Last time I found in my sofa 6 mice so now I have enough to loose them again. Can't suspect Rosie, she only likes fabric or real mice

    1. Six!! šŸ­šŸ­šŸ­šŸ­šŸ­šŸ­

  28. I've had several mice over the years. They were corded for many years. I'm partial to a nouse I bought during Covid that is black with grey camo highlights and I hope I am not jinxing it by saying that I'm not a fan of touchpads, either, and use a different mouse with my laptop.

    1. That sounds like a very smart mouse. I'm envious!

  29. Love the title of your post!
    I had to go out and buy a replacement mouse for the office a while ago, and I was simple flabbergasted by the fact that there were so many different ones! I had no idea what I needed exactly and being technically challenged I couldn't make head or tale of the helpful info given by the sales person ... xxx

    1. Just replacing like for like doesn't seem to work these days, does it? šŸ˜—

  30. A wireless mouse that is blue or has a fun print on it

    1. Why aren't there more fun prints on mice? I suppose I could put transfers on mine . . . šŸ˜ŗ

  31. The black mouse I'm currently using came from a nearby supermarket and works well for me ...

    All the best Jan

    1. That it works is the key significance . . .

  32. I much prefer a mouse to a touch pad. Cheap and cheerful so long as it works is good enough for me.

  33. I'm satisfied so long as it works . . . and isn't tethered!

  34. Hi Janice - I've had keyboard and mouse challenges - now all programmed in - so I'm happy - and I can't work with a laptop - have to have a desk and large m/c ... cheers Hilary


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