Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Winter, fifteen years ago


Winter, fifteen years ago

Frodo the Faller

We haven’t had an appreciable snowfall in Berkshire for many years, Occasionally, we have had enough to shut the schools, for health and safety reasons, whereupon families dig out their sledges and skis and head for the nearest hills. It’s bonkers!


It used to be the case that snow fell and covered everything in a thick blanket of deadening white. Crunching through the snow was almost musical, boots squeaking against the crystals. The air burnt one’s nose and throat with cold, and exposed ears tingled. After the snow, the ground remained hard for months in the winter, resounding like a huge drum to footfalls.

It’s always a pleasure to walk with dogs, and see their enthusiasm as they read the landscape. Snow brings fresh excitement and smells. They plunge and leap and nose the unfamiliar white stuff, sometimes eating a mouthful, or finding small mammals underneath, which skitter away as fast as they can from questing muzzles.

Puppy Gus, Jenna, Frodo the Faller, Janice, Buddy Liver Spots, January 2010

Fifteen years ago in January, we had a substantial snowfall. We had at that time two Dalmatians, Buddy Liver Spots, who was blind by then, following an almost fatal attack of meningitis, and Frodo the Faller, and two black Labradors, Jenna and her half-brother, puppy Gus. We kept Buddy on a long lead, as he would otherwise set off purposefully at speed in the wrong direction. The lead allowed him a measure of independence if he wanted it, but he didn’t stray far.

How many dogs can you see?

There are two - Jenna on the left and puppy Gus almost completely covered!

Buddy Liver Spots and puppy Gus

Frodo the Faller and Buddy Liver Spots

They had such fun in the snow!

This year, we have had one paltry snow shower, with heavy frosts most mornings recently, and some fog. I’m not wishing for terrible weather conditions, but it does seem that there is a developing trend for the seasons to become more or less bland. I could live to regret my words!

Frodo the Faller


  1. I don't see much change in our weather, maybe the winters are drier than usual, but Australia has always been dry. Last year we did seem to have more rain "all at once" than the usual pattern. Not that it did much good.

    1. We like to have weather in moderation - too much of anything and we can't cope.

  2. The snowstorm that came through a week ago was the largest we've had for five years.

  3. What lovely dogs! And they seem to be having the time of their lives. I hope Barry is continuing to heal well.

    1. They loved the snow. Our current dogs haven't experienced it.
      Barry is healing well, thank you. No plaster now, so he's happy.

  4. When I was young, we had blizzards and the snow stayed around for weeks. Now we hardly get even one good snow storm. Now that I spend the winters in Miami, I don't have to worry about that. We are having cooler weather in Miami. A few days ago we woke up to 49 degrees.

    1. Winter really was winter, for several months. It's all rather bland now.

  5. You gotta love the way dogs play in the snow!

  6. Nothing quite as stunningly beautiful as a dalmatian in the snow! So many dogs- you must have been very busy. I would have loved your home!
    Snow has not fallen this year for us either. El nina had something to do with that. There is still hope- arctic front coming down next week all the way to the south, which will damage quite a few fruit trees I imagine.

    1. It was a busy time, but we've always had dogs and cats. Other people go away for holidays - every day is a holiday for us (believe it if you can!!)

  7. Those pictures make me cold just looking at them!

    1. I can appreciate that. They're better looked at on a hot, sunny day.

  8. Those woofers look so happy!

    I've noticed that it's more wind and rain. I passed my test in 2019 and DH passed his test back in the 1990s, but since he works from home now I swear I have more experience driving in bad rain conditions - you know - flooded roads/fountains of water coming up from drains, water pouring down roads etc as it's got a lot more common recently along with lack of snow.

    1. The drains don't seem to be maintained very effectively, so there's a lot of surface water. Some people don't know how to drive on flooded roads and the poor pedestrians get soaked.

  9. Snow is great when you're young or a dog but us oldies are not fans..I rarely go out in snow these days, because of the fear of slipping over.

    1. Fresh, crunchy snow is fine. It's frozen, impacted snow that's the problem. Fear of slipping is very real.

  10. Snow in our parts is very rarely more than a light dusting like icing sugar on a sponge cake 🎂

    1. Bad weather usually misses us. We had a snowfall a few days ago and it melted almost as soon as it settled.

  11. It's lovely to see photos of all your dogs of the time. Dalmatians look so good in the snow.
    In the north of England, the Tyne River used to freeze over. I forget the details, but it hasn't for decades. Nothing to do with global warming of course.

    1. The sea used to freeze, too - I don't think that's happened for years now.

  12. We had a few flurries which lasted for about 30 minutes, nothing else, not even a real heavy frost, being so close to the coast keeps us a bit warmer. The last heavy snow here was way back in 2013.

    1. We have had some heavy frosts here, but the snow came and went very quickly.

  13. I am so sorry to self-advertise, but my latest post is called "Migrants welcome to Australia - Bonegilla". My bloody blog is still showing my last post :(

  14. Aye lass, things have changed right enough. In the good old days, you could walk or skate upon frozen rivers and canals in the depths of winter. Great image of Frodo the Faller leaping in the last photo. It looks like an advert for "Bonio"!

    1. Even in the soft south we used to have proper winters - can't imagine how all you tough Northeners survived.

  15. Climate can change is happening at a rapid rate isn't it. When we moved into this house 11 and 1/2 years ago we got snowed in for 3 days. It was too deep to shovel the driveway, the snow plows were having a terrible time trying to get the roads clear. Each year since then there's less and less snow and warmer and warmer. However this winter for us it started right before Christmas with bitter cold and has not stopped and we actually do have about 8 in of snow on the ground that will not melt. The dogs definitely look like they enjoyed being outside. Way more than I would.

    1. Its's frightening when you realise just how quickly the climate is changing. Time to move to another planet and ruin that!

  16. I remember 2010. We couldn't get to town for a fortnight in our vehicle. Luckily a friend had 4 wheel drive and we managed to get to the shops.

    1. It's hard to believe those days, isn't it?

  17. Dogs are my THING and this post is super great. your dive in your archives is a pleasure to see. each country is having its own strange/weird/not normal for the area weather. having lived in hurricane country my entire life, this past year was a first, a direct hit, 2 side swipes, and our rainy Florida has had no real rain for 5 years, not our part anyway... I enjoyed seeing you sweet pups

  18. We probably have more photographs of our dogs than our human family members!

  19. You sure had a pack of pooches. I think you still have at least two, but I lose track.

    1. We only have two now. Any extras that come are family members' dogs.

  20. It's a good thing you can find the Dalmatian spots and Black Labs against the snow.

  21. Love the photos of the doggies in the snow. Good thing the dalmations have all those spots or they would be hard to locate.
    Your snowfalls sound about like what we get around here.

    1. I love snow when it's crisp and clean, but it doesn't stay like that for long!

  22. It's been many years since we last had snow as thick and lasting as that, I don't think Bess has ever really seen snow! xxx

    1. It's so funny to see cats step out into the snow for the first time. Bess doesn't know what she's missing! 😺😸😻

  23. Yep! Climate change. I remember as a kid going out and playing in the snow, making smowmen, having snowball fights. Right now we see the green brown of the lawn. Sigh.

  24. Lovely photos!
    Yes, winters are definitely getting milder. Global warming having its impact. xx

    1. We've been warned for so many years, decades, even, and yet the biggest polluters take no notice.

  25. I don't think I' ve ever seen that much snow! And what lovely dalmations. Frodo is my fav. Made me smile.

    1. Frodo was my Velcro dog, a superb companion to the family, but reactive to unfamiliar dogs.

  26. The dogs are so energetic. The snow is sheer beauty

  27. I remember that snowfall. We had to fly to Edinburgh for a wedding at St Andrews!

    1. Lovely! The bride wore white and so did the rest of the world.

  28. I did enjoy these photographs, the dogs had a great time in the snow.

    I must admit the older I get the more I prefer not to go out in snow or icy conditions. Yes, you can dress warmly but slipping and sliding in icy conditions I'd rather avoid, if I can.

    All the best Jan

  29. Lovely photos.
    I appreciate the snow, just not all the time. I don't like driving in it and I've already had enough of it!
    My daughter and her husband had three huskies once (sadly two has since died) who absolutely loved the snow and the cold. You couldn't get them to come inside! They would love to just even sit in it. Of course, their coats are made for such conditions

  30. Huskies are amazing dogs. We sometimes see them in the forest, sledging. I suppose the sledges are on wheels, now I come to think about it.

  31. Such beautiful photos, sweet pups!

  32. Some of the dogs we had as children attracted snowy ice bells to their long furry coats as they enjoyed playing in the snow. I think they had as much fun as we did.

    1. Snow stirs some atavistic reaction in dogs and people.


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