Sunday, 12 January 2025

Someone else’s expense


Someone else’s expense

I am not posting a photograph of Barry’s face – it’s not a pretty sight. The swelling is going down and the bruising is going through the usual repertoire of interesting colours.

He had to have the dressing replaced on Wednesday and came home with a huge plaster covering half his face. That’s a slight exaggeration, but he was more aware of it than the original, as it was clearly visible in his peripheral vision. It reminded me of Cyrano de Bergerac, for no plausible reason. It fell off in the night!

On Thursday, we made a Heath Robinson attempt to cover the developing scar. It’s stayed put, with additional plasters to keep various wandering ends in place, and now he looks as though he could take the lead rôle in The Phantom of the Opera.

Another plaster was added today, at right angles to the Thursday dressings. Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut! At this rate, his entire face will be obscured. 

As it is, strangers are commenting on it when he’s walking the dogs, showing great sympathy. It’s more acceptable than the rude remarks coming from me! It’s not good form to laugh at someone else’s expense . . .

This morning, the padding of a fresh plaster was peeping out annoyingly and Barry appeared with scissors and asked me to trim it. He had tried to do it himself, but he's a southpaw, so sometimes finds scissors awkward. It was funny, because as I advanced with the scissors, I sensed him backing off nervously. That made me laugh, which caused even more tension. He muttered something about not wishing to have his nose further adapted. 

We find our entertainment where we can!


  1. I'm sure you care about Barry and will look after him well.

  2. Poor Barry! It's good that you find laughter in it, better that than crying.

  3. Laughter is healing even when you're in the midst of things.

  4. I too am a southpaw and I struggled with scissors (and a lot of other things, right, Barry?) until my husband's father, a jewel of a man, found and gifted me with left handed scissors. Oh the joy. Hope the face heals fast and well!!! Goodness.


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