Saturday 3 October 2009

Six Word Saturday

We might light a fire tonight

The chimney sweep came to sweep our chimneys on Monday. It's not particularly cold today but it is a blustery, dull day and night will fall early. (It's only 10:30 am!) We'll probably get too warm but will enjoy the ever-changing flickering flames. However, if the sun comes out later we may change our minds. Decisions, decisions!

Thank you Cate at 'Show My Face' for creating and hosting this meme.
To see what others have to say please click here


  1. A log fire always creates a sense of calm "homeyness"! We are in Spring and I think we still need one!

  2. To kindle a fire
    brings back memories of the
    caves we once dwelt in.

    My Six Words

  3. Oh it sounds so romantic!! We have a fireplace that we never use...I may have to talk hubby into getting someone over to clean it!!

    Happy 6 word Saturday!!

  4. Oh I remember the chimney sweep well. Used to love rushing outside the house as a child to see the broom pop up out of the top of the chimney. It didn't take much to entertain us! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving all your lovely comments. Have a great weekend.

  5. Dr John - it's the damp that makes the cold worse!
    Greyscale Territory - Spring can be very chilly some days despite what the calendar says.
    Magical Mystical Teacher - we all display our atavism sometimes.
    Betty - I think most of us do.
    mellisarock - yes, why not?
    Denise - our entire lives were much simpler when we were young ;-)

  6. The crackling fire will rid you of the dampness - go for it. It's a great idea in fact, we may do the same.

    Great 6 words!

  7. Oh, JAB, I visited your dog posts. They are very pretty dogs.

    That 'DoggyRide' is just the thing for Domine. It is too bad she is getting immobile but you are taking real good care of her.

    Adi and I walked just about a mile coming back home from where Mrs. Jim dropped us off. That is about all she can walk in one sitting now.

    Adi is 13 and she sleeps a lot now.

    We won't light a fire for quite some time yet but most days lately are in the 80's F. Lows might get into the mid 60's F.

    Yesterday the propane fellow came and refilled our tank for winter. We generally need it filled three times each winter.

    In the Houston, Texas, area our winters are very cool at times and damp. In summer the humidity goes along with the heat. Our neighbors have a summer home in Colorado and winter here.

    Stay warm, Happy 6WS! Thank you for your visit, you can come back. :-)

  8. Jenn - thank you for visiting:-)
    Jim - old age seems to come suddenly upon dogs but it's good that Adi is still active. Thank you for visiting. Come back again - :-)

  9. We need to get our gas logs fixed. Oddly, I think our stripy cat is the biggest fan of our fireplace. He sits and watches it for hours.

  10. Enjoy it's cozy warmth ! My six words are "I'm too blessed to be stressed"... thanks for stopping by.

  11. I hope you enjoy your fire if you light it! Ours has been going a week now; not the cold so much as the damp from all this wind and rain we've got lately.

    I'm hoping for one last burst of summer before winter gets here... somehow. Happy SWS!

  12. Cate, our cats love the fire too and seem hynotised by the light and movement.
    Drahdrah - we will! We didn't light it last night after all and today is bright and sunny so it won't be lit today either.
    Susan - it's the damp that gets into the bones that makes a fire so welcome. Hope your Irish Indian summer presents!


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