Wednesday 18 August 2010

Battle of Britain

Mo from 'Fresh Eyes on London' posted a photograph today of a replica Spitfire.
It reminded Barry of the time he was working at RAF Bentley Priory. This non-flying RAF station was the headquarters of Fighter Command during WWII. A wartime Hurricane and Spitfire in the grounds were lasting reminders of Bentley's importance during the Battle of Britain which raged throughout the summer and autumn of 1940.

Hurricane image courtesy of Adrian Pingstone and Wikimedia Commons
The Ministry of Defence, wishing to gain some revenue, decided to sell the aircraft and replace them with full-size replicas. When the Airfix kits arrived all the top brass on the site were alive to the delivery. Excitedly they swarmed out of the building, eager to begin the task of construction. The pieces were laid out on the lawn and assembly began.
Spitfire image courtesy of Kogo and Wikimedia Commons

Disaster! The delivery contained Hurricane and Spitfire bodies but no Spitfire wings and two sets of Hurricane wings. Much annoyance and discussion ensued. Eventually the problem was resolved but, while the RAF were victorious in the Battle of Britain, Airfix trounced them on this occasion!


  1. Nothing like putting a kit together and discovering there are missing pieces! What frustration!

  2. Good for the RAF---being victorious in the Battle of Britain.... Great pictures. I love seeing old vintage airplanes. Do you all have 'air shows' there like we do???? We get to see lots of the old airplanes. It's so neat to see them...

    Thanks for an interesting post, Janice.

  3. How wonderful to be putting together an airplane! Okay, minus the missing parts. Never trust assembly pieces to all be there- I never do...


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