Monday 16 August 2010

Macro Monday

Thank  you to Lisa from 'Lisa's Chaos'who organises and hosts this meme. Why not visit her to see more macros?


  1. Oh, so very pretty!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  2. Pretty colours in your flower close ups. I love the blue flower with the hover fly. Is it a cornflower?

  3. I love the blue of the flower with the bee working away in it! I also like your silent slide show in the sidebar - did you create that. I wonder, or is it an
    application of some sort..

  4. Close ups of some of my favorite flowers. I love their delicate nature.

  5. Wow! These would make beautiful greetings cards!

  6. beautiful photos! macro as in macro zoom perhaps?

  7. GrandmaK -thank you. I like colour and delicacy to offset the more robust plants.
    Sarah, it is a cornflower - we have masses of them this year and with the Nigella and the Agapanthus the garden glows, particularly in dim light.
    Margaret, it's an application. I applied it a long time ago but will investigate and let you know which one or how - well, I'll try anyway.
    Thank you Rebecca. Some of my favourites too.
    mrs nesbitt - thank you, I'm flattered and so will Barry be (we both dabble!)
    Scott - sometimes we use a macro lens, sometimes zoom and sometimes I just crop ;-)

  8. Beautiful shots. I really like the last one of the fuchia petals.

  9. So many delicate beauties! Don't you love summer!

  10. Beautiful macros, my favorite is the cornflower with the hover fly. Insects are always my favorites.

  11. These are ALL just that last one, what spectacular colors!

  12. Each is more beautiful than the last, but I'll pick the last as my favorite shot. I'm late, so Happy Wednesday.


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