This afternoon Jenna selected a nylon bone and was contentedly chewing it, watched by Dominie. After a short while Dominie started complaining. She kept looking at Jenna, then at me, then back at Jenna again. She was making it as plain as she could that she wanted a bone too, so I gave her one. She was quiet for a short while then started whining once more and looking from Jenna to me and back again. I remembered then that Dominie has always liked to 'collect' bones; that is to say, she would steal them from the other dogs and hoard them. Unable to do this now, because of her mobility issues, she was telling me what she wanted and sure enough, once I had given her Jenna's bone, she settled down to lick and chew. Jenna didn't seem unduly disturbed – she knows her place in the canine hierarchy; she's the youngest and therefore at the bottom of the heap while elderly Dom

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