Monday 4 October 2010

Microfiction Monday #51

Lovely Susan from ‘Stony River’ organises and hosts this weekly meme. Thank you Susan J She provides a picture and the challenge is to create a story in 140 characters or less – including punctuation! Click here to read more marvels of microfiction – and perhaps join in. It’s fun!
Here is this week’s picture accompanied by my offering.
She knew one day her prince would come and thought he’d ride a white horse but Pegasus was unexpected.  Quoth the raven ‘Nevermore’ but why?
(140 characters)


  1. Yep, that could be quite a shock.
    Nice one.

  2. OOOOOOOO a fairy tale come true at a price? Lovely micro!

  3. I guess he objected to two for the price of one! LOL :)

  4. Ahhh -- the time honored mixing of fictional characters!
    Have you read any Jasper Fford books? This fits perfectly!

  5. Great contribution, I really like it!

  6. Looks as if she got more out of the bargain than she expected.

  7. Ah, we do have to be careful what we ask for -- sometimes it can be more than we ever wanted! Fun one for the day, Janice! Hope you have a great week!


  8. Hmmm. Sometimes our dreams don't turn out as expected, do they. I enjoyed this!

  9. So this is her last chance at the whole white horse thing....LOL- you saw the bird as the E. A. Poe raven, albeit a green one; I saw it as a parrot.

    Very clever take on this week's MM!

  10. She does have more than she may want now. Very good one.

  11. That should make him doubly special.

  12. You mixed your genres and eras very nicely to make your own, unique tale.

  13. I love the ending of this and you put it to such good use. Very well done :)

  14. Nice µstory (µfiction), J.B. I liked your fitting of the classics. Good job!

  15. perhaps your raven knew that was the last unicorn, I mean pegasus!

  16. I wish I had her confidence -- and at my age I won't mind *what* he's riding LOL


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