Monday 25 October 2010

Warning to UK dog walkers

I received this information this morning and thought I should pass it on:

Sent through from the Labrador Lifeline Trust 


Please be advised that Badger Setts and their surrounds are now being baited with sausages, jacket potatoes and other tasty morsels to attract Badgers.  Sadly it will also attract your dog.  These items are being laced with Paracetamol which, if ingested by your dog in the first instance will cause D & V.  If you think your dog may have been nosing around a known Badger sett or trail and develops symptoms - don't hesitate get it to a vet and mention Paracetamol.  This is the latest way of destroying Badgers - other ways are the use of rat poison and strychnine.  We are aware of one Labrador death already.


  1. OH! This is sad, very sad! Please don't let anything happen to your dogs! (I know you are careful.)

  2. Oh no, how awful. I know your dogs love to walk, but I guess you'll have them on short leashes while this is going on. Dreadful.
    I'm so glad you were warned.

    Kay, Alberta


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