Sunday 31 October 2010

Today's Flowers #117 Clematis tangutica

Clematis tangutica is grown as much for its beautiful seed heads as for its pretty lantern shaped flowers. Our plant has yellow flowers and I believe there is an orange version. I'd love to see yellow and orange growing together! One day, maybe, I'll find an orange one.
Just a few weeks ago our tangutica was a mass of yellow bells. In this photograph the flower is just beginning to open.
Now there are no flowers but a mass of feathery seed heads nodding in the sun.
I almost expect a little face to look up and smile shyly!
Thank you to the TF team who host this weekly meme. Click here to see more gorgeous blooms from around the world.
I'm also linking to Macro Monday  at Lisa's Chaos and Drowsey Monkey's Mellow Yellow Monday


  1. Very beautiful and unique flowers.

  2. They have a different but beautiful seed head. Wonderful photos.

  3. Honestly, I think I like the seed heads better. Great post!

  4. very interesting and lovely flowers. i've never seen these before.

  5. Lovely shots of a beautiful flower I admire.

  6. They are beautiful aren't they? Loved your photos, thanks so much for sharing them.
    An English Girl Rambles

  7. wow! fascinating! I love it! =)

  8. I had heard of tangutica clematis but had not seen one before - interesting shape and one of my favourite species.
    Thanks for visiting me - yes, there is always something in the garden but far too wet and windy to go out with the camera!

  9. I like the shiny mopheads. This plant has some really fascinating features!

  10. What fun to see this unusual flower. I love the yellow color. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  11. You are definitely right about the little shy smiling face. I'm sure I cought a glimpse...

    It is a beautiful clematis.
    My yellow rose has so many buds that still have to open. I'm hoping the frost will keep away for a couple of months.

  12. I love the seed heads. Casual and elegant at the same time. So pretty.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  13. I think your Clematis tangutica look much better than mine do right now. You are inspiring me to take my camera for a walk around my gardens right NOW to see. :)

  14. I have never seen that variety before. Splendid seed heads!

  15. Very nice shots!
    Someone gave me a clematis one month ago but the flowers should be blue or purple I think! Let's wait and see;o)

    Have a happy Monday****

  16. The seedheads are pretty bizarre looking! But I think they are lovely! I have not seen a flower that shape on any of the varieties here.

  17. Wow this flower is so pretty!! Love it!
    Trick or Treat

  18. wow! So pretty.

    The last photo look like a heart. You can send this over at and enjoy amazing random hearts.

    You can also visit my heart blog.

    Happy Monday!

  19. Wonderful details in the image of the bud and the photos of the seed head.


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