Sunday 31 October 2010

Microfiction Monday #55

Lovely Susan from ‘Stony River’ organises and hosts this weekly meme. Thank you Susan! She provides a picture and the challenge is to create a story in 140 characters or less – including punctuation! Click here to read more marvels of microfiction – and perhaps join in. It’s fun!
Here is this week’s picture accompanied by my offering.
Baby with broomstick, lucky black cat. No witch, she! 
Yowls, screams, blood under nails speak otherwise. 
Trick or Treat’s tough these days!

(139 characters)


  1. That blood under her nails...she has murdered before...and maybe again!
    Very clever, you paint a picture with so few words. Great job!

  2. Trick or treat, Janice! Lucky black cat? I like that idea. :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Janice, "yowls, screams, blood under nails"!! Scary stuff.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. We are so complex. And that is beautiful. Thanks for this piece. I love it.

  5. Oooooh... That is so ghoulish! Happy Halloween from America!

  6. Ouch! Glad she wasn't knocking on my door!

  7. And she looks so angelic, too! Another reminder that looks may be deceiving. Good one!

  8. Oh yes, I guess she didn't get many treats ;-)
    Nice one.

  9. LOL it's a jungle out there - even trick or treating!

  10. Deceptive exterior, what? Loved it!

  11. Well done. Made me shiver ;-)

  12. hi, very cute picture in you post. thanks for commenting at my post. cheers!

  13. Wow, this is a whole novel (horror genre) in 140 characters. Well done!

  14. Very well written... The pic complements it well!!
    My Yatra Diary...

  15. Oh, what a great one for the day, Janice! Always love a bloody mystery! And, no, nothing's easy these days! Enjoy your week!


  16. I took it to mean the blood under the nails was the little girl's blood under the cat's nails (claws), as it yowled and screamed and scratched her to get away! Yes, Halloween's tough these days! Good one!

  17. So who won the fight....Baby or the cat? ;)

  18. Very intriguing take on this picture. You got me thinking...

  19. Ohhhh! There are so many meanings to your MM! Loved it!


  20. I know that little witch is real although we didn't have any kicking and gouging to get to our door this year, but I sure did when I lived in Vegas. One year I even had a grown man mug me right on my own porch and steal my bowl full of candy.


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