Sunday 24 October 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday #127, Today's Flowers #116 Nasturtiums

This year the nasturtiums have been outstanding. The colours have ranged from cream through orange to scarlet and crimson. We are enjoying their final flourish before they finally succumb to the frost. We have had two or three heavy frosts in the last week and it is only the flowers in sheltered places that are surviving. 
The bees are still working hard.

This bee is using an alternative method of reaching the nectar. It's called 'robbing' because the bee approaches from the back to find the nectary, denying the flower the chance of pollination. The bee may probe between the petals or bite a hole through the flower.
Thank you to Tracy from 'Hey Harriet' who hosts this meme.


  1. It is hard to believe summer is over already! Your autumn flower pictures are beautiful! (Hello from Wisconsin where we also are appreciating what soon will be no more.)

  2. I love the colours in your photos - so summery!

  3. Wow, and I thought the second bee was just confused. It can get the nectar from the back!!
    There are so many things I don't know, after a fairly long time on this planet, so I'm thrilled when I read about something like this.
    Also thrilled to see your beautiful photos, Janice, every time.

    Kay, Alberta

  4. Hello Janice, absolutely gorgeous flowers. Sorry you had a problem linking to Today's Flowers. It seems to be working okay now. I have added your link to the list and hope that's okay with you. I'm not sure what the problem was. It may have been that Luiz has it set up so that the link doesn't open until 10.00 a.m. GMT time, but honestly can't say for sure. If you have any more problems please let me know.

  5. Gorgeous colours - and thanks for the info on the bee!

  6. Beautiful flowers and great shadows. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Beautiful photos. I remember somebody telling me once that nasturtiums (the flower) were good to put in salads. I wonder...

  8. Gorgeous flowers and great shadows. The colors are pretty. Interesting info on the bee and the nectar.

  9. I adore nasturtiums. Edible and so beautiful. The ones in your header photo with the blotches are particularly lovely. And I never heard of "robbing." Do you think the bee gets anything out of that, or is it just he happens to approach from that side?

  10. So the bee is a bit (no pun intended) like a vampire! Gorgeous photos. God bless, friend.

  11. WHat lovely sunshine and deliciously vibrant colours.

  12. I know exactly what u mean!Found a lot of things I thought were lost and I am sure I have 'lost' a lot of things today!
    Clean+Me = 110 percent
    Organised +ME= disaster!!

    Your shadows are lovely. Never knew a bee made holes into flowers!

    Jenna, Gus, Frodo n Winston seem so content:)such peaceful pictures:)

    How is Frodo's sprain now?

  13. Hi!
    Your link in the TodaysFlowers have an extra "l" so it does not link back to your blog. I just clicked on your name in my comments box to get to your TF post. Maybe because you did not link back to TF?

    Btw, your nasturtiums look really gorgeous!

  14. Oh, I do love those colors! And what delightful captures! Love your sunshine!! Hope you've had a great weekend, Janice!


  15. Such rich, vibrant colors!

  16. Great info about the bee - our summer blooms are still going strong - no frost yet!

  17. My bumble bees are still hard at work too, though my nasturtiums are long gone...I ate them...mmmm!

  18. Robbing bees? Wow, there is so much I don't know! Or in this case, didn't know. Now I do know :) Interesting info and lovely photos!

  19. Wonderful pictures!!
    Great shots,

  20. I haven't seen too many nasturtiums this year... I love your photos of them, though! And the shadows!

  21. Perfect shadows!

    So sorry I'm coming around late. I had a busy weekend!

  22. The flowers are gorgeous. Love the shadows!


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