Thursday, 22 April 2010

SkyWatch Friday Season 4 Episode 41 April sky with red kite

We have had beautiful days in Berkshire this week. The sky was blue - and for a few days unsullied by con trails! On Tuesday I was excited to see a red kite soaring in the skies around our house. These birds are scavengers rather than birds of prey but the local populace seemed not to know that - or was that just me misinterpreting the busy, noisy activity in and around our garden?
I managed to capture 'my' kite as it wheeled gracefully in ever-widening circles. By the time Barry grabbed his camera the kite had exhausted the feeding possibilities and moved away to pastures new.
We are seeing red kites quite frequently now and I applaud the people who have worked so hard to enhance their breeding opportunities and to reintroduce them to previous haunts.
Grateful thanks to the SkyWatch team who organise and host this meme each week.
Click here to appreciate more beautiful world skies.


  1. Gorgeous sky and a great capter of the soaring kite.

  2. Heisann!

    Incredibly good depth and great contrasts in the photo. The majestic bird makes it dramatically!
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Gorgeous capture! It can be very difficult to capture the flight of a bird!

    Pixellicious Photos

  4. Lovely capture of kite against the cloudy blue sky.

  5. Oh, I love the bird! And such lovely clouds and sky! The bare tree is perfect! What a great shot, Janice! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Now, that's my kind of shot!

  7. What a wonderful shot! Love it...looks like a bird!

  8. aloha,

    and happy earth day, i love your skies but could not see a red kite you mentioned, until i understood them to be the birds, are they red in certain parts?

    would you care to join me on a new challenge i have posted on my site

    come and join us.

  9. Wonderful capture with the bird and the tracery of the tree.

  10. Great photo - it gives me a sense of peace and freedom!

  11. For a minute there I thought you meant a man made kite and not the bird. How wonderful.

  12. Beautiful white cloud shape highlighting the whirling kite!

  13. Few people seem to understand the service that raptors provide in our local ecosystems. I'm glad to see that the kites are not only surviving but prospering in your neighbourhood.

    I envy your being able to get it on film--and to produce such a nicely composed shot. A great blue heron flew over my head the other morning, but, of course, I'd left the camera indoors. A lesson to us all: take the camera whenever venturing into the garden!

  14. Well, there is a 3D look about your composition too. I have never heard of a kite before and I thought I knew species!

  15. The weather looks very nice. The clouds surround the bird, protecting it. Great shot.


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