Tuesday 4 August 2009

Monochrome Weekly Theme - only a rose

For once it will enlarge if clicked on . . . ;-}
Thank you to Aileni for initiating and hosting this meme.

Click here to see more monochrome photographs from around the world


  1. who would have thought that a rose, which depends so much on colour for its beauty, would look so beautiful in black and white?

  2. Lovely Rose, i am fed up with the rain today but it does look nice on your rose in mono. :-)

  3. Embrace the weather (difficult when you're bent double against the stinging shots) - it's what makes our islands green! ;-}

  4. You're right, we can't do much about it so we might as well embrace it. There's just something about roses and rain isn't there.... juxtaposition I think it's called. The beauty of the rose and the sadness of the rain. Or am I just in a particularly melancholoy mood....lol!

  5. Its a beautiful shot. Lemme guess..is that a pink rose?

    I love the droplets of water captured on the flower.

    Excellent choice.

  6. Neil - your poetic soul is showing.
    Tanvi - absolutely right - it's a climbing pink rose whose name I've forgotten that has an intoxicating scent.

  7. I love roses and there scent...
    It does look lovely in mono, plus the rain drops did come in handy in this image...

    It is so humid to-day, wish it would rain...:-/ lol

  8. Very humid here too Dina but at least I can hang out the washing . . . ;-}


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