Monday 28 June 2010

Microfiction Monday #37

Susan from 'Stony River' organises and hosts this weekly meme. She provides a picture and the challenge is to create a story in 140 characters or less. Click here to read more marvels of microfiction – and perhaps be tempted to join in.
Here is this week's picture and my offerings follow.

'I've got grit in my eye.'
'Can't see it.'
'Hurry – I'm on watch.'
'Did you see rocks before you foundered?'
'I told you – grit in my eye.'
(135 characters)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
'What's the matter? Lost your tongue?'
'Yes, actually. Gain legs, lose voice – that's the contract.'
But of course, no one could hear her.
    (137 characters)


  1. Legs or voice - which would I prefer? That's got me thinking.
    Well done

  2. Think I'd rather keep my tongue, I don't know how to keep quiet!! Fun takes on the pic of the day! I love how everyone has such different takes on the same pic! Have a great week, Janice!


  3. Two fun MMs. Enjoyed them both :-)

  4. Gosh, two great stories.
    You are amazing!

  5. I like both your takes on the picture - well played. :)

  6. "Yay!" for your double-spin on today's nautical adventure-- I especially like mermaid story number two!

  7. Both great, but loved the second one! That would just so be how it would happen LOL

    Have a fun week.

  8. #2 -- I saw that movie! When my daughter saw it as a child (the Disney version), she turned to me at the end and said, "she never did obey her daddy, did she?" What a smart child she was . . . before she was a teenager!

  9. Both are excellent my friend. I like the second one the best. :)

  10. Dear Janice,

    I enjoyed both, there is a sense of wicked fun there. But I particularly liked the'grit in the eye'!


  11. Very clever, both of them. I particularly like the Faustian bargain of # 2. This will resonate with me today.

    Have a great week.

  12. I loved both of these! Gained legs, lost voice . . . what a trade-off!

  13. LOved them both, but got to say the first one is my favorite. I wonder if this is what happened on Titanic.

  14. I like them both, but I think that second one is my favorite -- and it's got me thinking too. What would be my choice...?

  15. These are both funny! I especially liked the second one...the mermaids will never know about the losing your voice part. lol!


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