Sunday 13 June 2010

Pet Pride Daisy

Daisy Dog was a pretty little Jack Russell, very unassuming, much overshadowed by her busy mother, Biddy, and her strong brother, Sam. She was quiet, sweet-tempered and always willing to please. We didn't realise how much we would miss her and she still has her place in our hearts and those of our children and at least two of our grandchildren almost twenty years on.
'The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of her master.' Anon
Thank you to Bozo and his human who organise and host this lovely weekly meme. Click here to see more entries.


  1. Cute pictures, especially the first one, of Daisy. I still remember all the pets I've had (and lost) over the years.

  2. Such a dear little face! Beautiful dog!

  3. awwww you are looking so sweet....

    woof woof
    Pet Pride

  4. Cute little doggie. I'm sure you miss her terribly! Sometimes we don't realize how attached to our pets we are until they're gone.

    Stopping by from Pet Pride.

  5. Daisy Dog was so lucky to have you and others that loved her. Adorable photos. Thank you for sharing ;)


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