Wednesday 23 September 2009

Woe upon woe for Sony VAIO

My poorly VAIO has been returned. We have been seeking a replacement left-hand hinge but they are very rare. We asked one repairer we contacted if there had been much demand for hinges and he replied, 'Hundreds - and mostly left hinges!' Wires pass through the left hinge so it's a little more specialised than a right hinge. We have read of many with the same problem; some have had one hinge replaced under warranty but when that has failed, still in warranty, have been told that it's broken through 'accidental damage' or 'machine abuse.'
There must be an awful lot of people flinging their laptops around - after all, doesn't everyone do that to their expensive technology items?
Sony maintains its ill-conceived position that only the best components are used and that failure is due to user misuse.
Should we expect to see Sony shares falling in the near future? Watch and wait!

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