However, she was not the first four-footed creature to try it out. Monty and Winston just had to investigate as Barry assembled it. They sniffed every seam and surface and then turned their attention to the box in which it had been packed.
Thank you to the creators and hosts of this meme.
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How cute, kitties in a stroller! Thansk for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWe've been thinking about getting one of these to take our cats out in! Looks like your cats gave their blessing to the buggy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a life!
ReplyDeleteI played too :)
How cute! Cats are so nosy. ;o)
ReplyDeleteTheir markings are beautiful, almost like ocelots.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jedediah - they're Ocicats, so named because of their resemblance to Ocelots but there's no wild blood in them at all; they were originally Siamese x Abyssinian and then the spotted/striped kittens were outcrossed to American shorthair to give the silver colours and the body substance.
ReplyDeleteCats are so funny when they check out something new! They concentrate on the object single-mindedly until they are sure they understand!
ReplyDeleteDimple - what a sweet name (I looked at your blog and found the provenance!)
ReplyDeleteOne of our cats tried a little drilling earlier - nearly scared him to death (keep telling Barry to PUT THINGS AWAY!!)
That is really nice of you to give the "old lady" a rest so she can go out with all of you. Very thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteAnne and Sasha
Aw ... just too cute ;--)
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings,
Curious kits! I must say, the carrier does look very comfortable. Can't help but think what a brilliant idea to take beloved pets on a walk, especially if they have a hard time getting around on their own steam.
ReplyDeleteAnne and Sasha - our old lady has given us years of unconditional love and loyalty so she deserves special treatment.
ReplyDeleteStoryteller, Denise - thank you. I'm sure some folks think we're mad!